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Tuesday, April 08, 2014

CURL: It's the Democrats' turn for a 'culture of corruption'

In the run-up to the 2006 mid-term elections, crucial to President George W. Bush’s plans for his last two years in office, scandal reared its hideous head. Again and again. And just for the Republicans.

First, House Majority Leader Tom DeLay resigned in disgrace after he was charged with violating campaign finance laws and money laundering. Then, Rep. Duke Cunningham pleaded guilty to a slew of federal charges like bribery, fraud, tax evasion. And right before Election Day, Rep. Mark Foley resigned after accusations of sending male teenage congressional pages sexually explicit messages.

Democrats danced. “Culture of corruption!” they cried. And they swept the elections, re-taking control of both the House and the Senate, and even picking up as majority of state governorships and legislatures across the country. Mr. Bush was finished, and some political pundits say the lingering effects led to the 2008 presidential victory by Barack Obama.

But now, the shoe is on the foot — or feet, as it were.



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