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Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Cummings Denies Conspiring With IRS To Target Conservative Groups

A cable news channel sets a critical eye on a popular Maryland Democrat. Congressman Elijah Cummings is taking heat from Fox News over allegations he helped the IRS to target conservative groups.

Derek Valcourt talks to the congressman about those allegations.

Congressman Cummings isn’t talking to Fox News about those allegations, but he did sit down to talk to WJZ.

Congressman Cummings is known even to allies as a tough political fighter.


  1. Doesn't matter what this bafoon does. He'll still get re elected by his low life constituents anyway.

  2. Did you really expect him to admit to it? Democrats take no responsibility for anything. They have that "what does it matter" mentality.

  3. This guy's a slime all the way through!

    If there was a cure for stupid - he wouldn't get reelected.....

  4. He is a member of the American Socialist/Communist party! Jail him for life for subversion and Constitutional treason! No wonder he was trying to diminish and make the I.R.S. scandal go away. He was right in the middle of the corruption!

  5. WJZ appears to be as hard-hitting as The Daily Times - where is the part about him being an admitted Communist? That man is a HERO in the Democrat Party and was just last year HONORED by the Worcester County Democrat Party!

  6. Tough political fighter ..means racketeering crook in Maryland's political lexicon..you can bet Cummings gets plenty of Cash from the Public Service Employee Unions

  7. What a useless clown. He would fit right in with the Obama team. Don't they need another clown?

  8. If I three wishes in this life, the first would be term limits. We need to prevent these fools from turning public service into self service.

  9. He should resign.

  10. He looks like Marion Barry to me


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