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Monday, April 28, 2014

Cops Who Were Caught on Video Robbing and Terrorizing Store Owners Will Not Face Charges

A sickening injustice happened this week in Philadelphia. Several Cops who were even caught on video terrorizing 22 Philly bodega owners will not be facing any criminal charges.

A Philadelphia plainclothes narcotics squad had barreled into the immigrants’ bodegas, guns drawn. They had cut the wires on the stores’ video surveillance systems, robbed thousands of dollars from the cash drawers, stolen food and merchandise and then trashed the shops on their way out the door.

“The only way a cop can lose his job in this city is if he shoots another cop during roll call.”

Video from one of the heists can be seen below. One of these scumbags starts barraging the store owner, asking him if it was uploading to his computer at his house. Then he cuts the wires!


  1. Are you sure they were cops and not Crips or Latino Kings dressed up as cops?
    I guess the giveaway is that the perps walked away from robbery, theft, reckless endangerment, use of a handgun in a felony, assault, and destruction of property.
    The Crips would already be in prison. The cops just went to breakfast (with stolen money) and laughed. And the State's Attorney (surprise) said "they had the 'I can do ANYTHING I want' badge!". He didn't think FILM was strong enough evidence either. The same prosecutor who regularly puts CITIZENS in jail (or prison) for a lot less than this. On a LOT less evidence, too.
    Keep cheering...

  2. I just finished reading the book which tells this sordid story in detail. It's called "Busted," and it earned authors Wendy Ruderman and Barbara Laker a Pulitzer. Well worth reading.

  3. It truly is time to take up arms against these terrorists.


  4. Hey, it's Filthydelphia, the town that booed Santa. Waddaya expect?


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