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Friday, April 11, 2014

College Suspends Student for This Conversation


  1. We must , and we will , bring these people to their knees.
    I hate to say it , but they need to be gone by any means , even death.
    Our country is important.

  2. Moral of the story? Don't pay money to go to a liberal Communist college that does not support the Constitution. Let them wither on the vine.

  3. Free speech is not free! Overgrown fat sloppy security guard needs to get a life and loose some weight. The elected officials in this country don't like what you ask, they escort you out or claim you assault them so they can discredit your account of how things went. WOW what a free country we live in.

  4. There will be no freedom in Liberal Amerika...You people cannot handle freedom and need to be led like the sheep/chickens you are. We Liberals are much smarter than you and we know what is best for you so, sit down, shut up, and enjoy the ride. Or else! Eat your peas!!


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