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Thursday, April 17, 2014

City of Salisbury FY15 Proposed Budget

The Mayor’s FY15 Proposed Budget is prepared and available for review on the City of Salisbury website under “Information Center” (see the following link).



  1. Interesting things...

    1. In the past 10 years, the personal property tax has gone up 25%. Most people don't realize that all of our small businesses are taxed just to keep stuff inside the city. It adds up really fast, and it's really easy to start up in the county to save a significant investment. Good luck filling all those industrial places on/near Northwood!

    2. What is the school camera revenue?

    3. $500k per year revenue from speed cameras?

    4. The city thinks cable service + 2 premium cable channels costs $70/mo. That's the Digital Starter Promo rate. Now add all the taxes and franchise fees. We're a lot closer to $90/mo, and once the promo period is over you'll send even more. We really need competition in town!

    5. For some reason, we need to hire a Public Information Officer.

    6. Salisbury FD wants $2800 to send text messages and do scheduling off their website. But their vendor says the scheduling module was already activated (www.chiefwebdesign.com).

    7. Salisbury went way over on their gasoline usage. Is it because they kept taking big trucks to run personal errands?

    8. There's a new copier in the budget. Who wants to bet it's another no-bid award to their current vendor?

    9. Will the telephone system upgrade go out to bid?

    10. Why does the mayor want 2 IT Techs for the PD, but they requested 0?

    11. Permitting wants $1500 for a Surface Pro tablet. They are $900 online. So what's the other $600 for?

    12. There's an extra $20,000 budgeted to cut the grass of code violators. Is this due to an increase in unowned/foreclosed housing stock? If so, would it be wise to budget property tax at the levels provided?

    13. An expo attendance for the parking authority? For $2000?

    14. What value do we get from SWAC, Wicomico Creek Watchers, and Stop the Violence?

  2. Why is the court award to fix the broken sewer plant being spent for something else?

    Answer -- to avoid a bigger tax hike.

    Robbing Peter -- paying Paul.

  3. The court awarded funds for the WWTP is restricted and cannot be used for any other purpose. The mayor always wanted a PIO but didn't want to be seen as a self promoting peacock. This budget which is $13million more than last year is appalling and is representative of inept leadership and their lack of ability to bring in resources to defray costs to the taxpayers. Can we say more grants boys and girls?

    1. This is what happens when you dumb down leadership. I bet they miss Dr. Chambers now. Like her or not, she brought in millions.

  4. Looks like last year, there was $20k budgeted for stormwater maintenance/ treatment/ control. They went through that in the first couple of fiscal weeks.

    This '15 budget? ZERO, ZILCH, NONE! Then, when something breaks, CAN ANYONE SAY, "RAIN TAX?

    Oh, and the SWED, SWAC, and others...look at their budgets. It's nothing but wages for a bunch of positions! People being paid to do nothing! Oh, wait, the Arts Council had SU open up an art gallery across the street from the GOB, stock the windows and lock the doors for a few months, then gutted it all back out and made it vacant space again, so I guess that's at least something!

    The parking meters don't pay for the 4 salaries and the painting of arrows on the floor of the parking garage, or the debt service on the meters and booths. In fact opening the gates and selling off the meters would save us what, $200k? Put that into stormwater and get a matching grant.

    I'm not finished, and it looks like the budget is pretty incomplete as well!

    1. What do you expect when you send a part time 3rd grade reading teacher and an uneducated yes man to run a multimillion dollar government entity. As taxpayers you deserve what you have allowed. Read it and weep.

    2. Seriously??? Did you really think Tom Stevenson had the skills to submit a total budget to the mayor and the mayor be able to decipher Keith's financial lingo???? This is laughable. If if were not for the suffering of the citizens this would make a great Saturday Night Live. Sitcom.


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