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Friday, April 11, 2014

City Finally Approves Dew Tour Dates

After several weeks of delay earlier this year due to snow cancelling meetings, City Council has given final approval for the Dew Tour’s 2014 event permit on June 26-29.

Despite last year’s minor fracas over the Dew Tour’s desire to give away hot dog samples, the city appears to have eased up this year on concerns that food and other promotional giveaways inside the event grounds will cut into Boardwalk business.

“I know the people on the Boardwalk are grateful that you’re here and for the business you bring in,” said Councilwoman Margaret Pillas.

The extreme sports festival is expected to draw 18,000 spectators per day through its four-day run. The event grounds will occupy the beach between the inlet pier and North Division Street.


  1. OC will make bank on this Dew Tour because the pot heads are going to assume that it is legal but the decriminalization law doesn't go into effect until October. No brainer for OC.

  2. Oc better bank all they can as tourism numbers are falling. The dew tour is at its end...same crap year after year.....oc's days are as a tourism powerhouse are over.

  3. It is amazing that Dew, a Pepsi product, would bother to come back to OC, when they declared the "Official Drink, Coke".

  4. It's not that "amazing" 9:36. In recent years the Dew Tour has had to make cuts on the number of tours it does a year. They do 3 a year now. What's this tell you? No one wants them and when someone does they have to jump on it.

  5. Mayor rick could not decide on the date until the $$$$ was counted. Another silly council event with the taxpayers paying the tab. Meanwhile, the employee pension program is less than 20% funded. Guess the $25 p hr lifeguards are the answer right.

  6. This is where it gets sticky 8:32. I'm with you on taxpayers getting stuck with the tab, BUT I can agree with public money being spent IF businesses see a significant increase those days, which equates to economy stimulation. One thing though, I would have preferred the dates to be earlier in the month, typically slower time of the year.


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