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Saturday, April 05, 2014

Chinese Buying Land In US Communities All Over America

Has the United States ever experienced a time when a foreign nation has attempted to buy up so much of our land all at once? As you will read about in this article, the Chinese are on a real estate buying spree all over America. In fact, in some cases large chunks of land are actually being given to them. Yes, you read that correctly. China is on the way to becoming the dominant land owner in the entire country, and that is starting to alarm a lot of people. Do we really want a foreign superpower to physically own so much of our territory?

There are some that are playing down this threat by making a distinction between the Chinese government and Chinese corporations, but things work differently over in China than they do here. In China, the government is involved in everything. In fact, 43 percent of all corporate profits in China are produced by companies that the Chinese government controls. And all of the rest of the companies are very careful to follow the lead and direction of the Chinese government.



  1. Does this mean they will be paying all those property taxes associated with them?

  2. I didn't think that purchasing by a communist country was legal.
    Oh well , we have an illegal president , and all his staff .
    Ain't know law left in the U.S. except using marry jane.

  3. Not new. This has been going on for a while.

  4. Now you understand why non-resident property owners should not have a vote.

  5. OK..question... if someone who does not live here owns a business do they still have to have a "resident agent" in the state to handle affairs? If so.. is the a major business somewhere doing this all over this country. Or are the Chinese exempt? I would love to know the answer to this one.

  6. That's the people paying cash for property not Americans.They fail to say that.

  7. LOL 7:18 The last 3 properties I purchased were for cash. Think before you type.

  8. Blogger Daddio said...
    Does this mean they will be paying all those property taxes associated with them?

    April 5, 2014 at 4:22 AM

    of course not. only you pay taxes

  9. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    LOL 7:18 The last 3 properties I purchased were for cash. Think before you type.

    April 5, 2014 at 9:06 PM

    you gonna trap on that swamp land?


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