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Wednesday, April 23, 2014

BREAKING NEWS: DOJ to expand number of people eligible for clemency

New Justice Department guidelines to allow certain prisoners who already have served at least 10 years in prison to apply for release.



  1. more democrat voters..

  2. Which also suggests that convicted felons will be getting shorter or no sentences.Is it any wonder why no one contacts Crime Solvers anymore? How disheartening it must be to contribute information leading to an arrest and conviction just to see that person back out on the street in 6 months.The threat of retaliation is not worth the fraction of the reward one gets.

  3. It's being done in the "issue of fairness." Translated this means black crack and other black drug dealers. The inner cities are going to experience a blood bath like they've not ever seen before.

  4. Do you clowns even read the article??

    "conviction just to see that person back out on the street in 6 months"

    Clearly states the guidelines are for inmates that have served 10yrs

  5. What are you talking about 12:38? Do you have issues with reading comprehension? 10:59 wasn't talking about this article with that phrase. They were saying that maybe that's the reason people are reluctant to call Crime Solvers. Go back and read SLOWLY the comment and maybe you'll get it this time around!
    You are the clown. A dopey one at that!

  6. They ALWAYS come back.


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