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Sunday, April 13, 2014

BREAKING NEWS: BLM Ends Roundup Of Bundy Cattle

LAS VEGAS -- The Bureau of Land Management has announced it will stop the roundup of cattle owned by rancher Cliven Bundy. The BLM says the animals have been illegally grazing on public lands for 20 years.

The BLM made the announcement Saturday morning, a week after rangers started gathering the animals from land near Gold Butte.

The agency says it is concerned about the safety of its employees and the public. Earlier this week, BLM officers and supporters of the Bundy family were involved in a scuffle. Cliven Bundy's son, Ammon Bundy, was tased twice by federal agents. Another woman said she was thrown to the ground by an officer.

With more Bundy supporters pouring in from around the country, safety concerns began to grow.

The I-Team has learned the deal to end the gather was brokered by Clark County Sheriff Doug Gillespie.


You can watch and listen live on Patriot website- http://12160.info/video/live-stream-blm-standoff-with-cliven-bundy-nevada-ranch


  1. Leave them alone. They were there first.

  2. Maybe he should pay the land rent!

  3. What's not being reported much, is the BLM has already rounded up cattle from approximately 50 other ranches in recent years. These ranchers are real farmers and NOT factory farmers contracted out by big business. These cattle graze and are not warehoused and being fed grain all day long to fatten them up quickly.
    This is all part of the communist/socialist/fascist manifesto. Get rid of the 'little guy' and have a handful of big corps controlling the food supply as well as all trade/commerce and services.

  4. It's not about rent 1:58. He's offered to pay it. It's supposedly because the cattle eat the same vegetation as some type of turtle. But the real reason is coming out. Nevada newspapers (to their credit because you aren't hearing it on CNN,MSNBC) are reporting that it's really about some solar deal Harry Reid's son has going and they need this land for it.

  5. "Anonymous said...
    Maybe he should pay the land rent!

    April 12, 2014 at 1:58 PM"

    The "rent" story was BS. It's right up there with "a spontaneous reaction to a video" and "if you like your insurance you can keep it."
    When it was found out Bundy's tried to pay the rent, they then dreamed up some kind of tortoise was being disturbed by the cattle hogwash. But now the real story is surfacing. Harry Reid and family could benefit greatly in some kind of solar energy deal but they need the property to do so.

  6. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Maybe he should pay the land rent!

    April 12, 2014 at 1:58 PM

    Maybe you should read up and learn before you speak. No offense but it's not land rent. They are fees to maintain the land, which Bundy and the others paid until the fed stopped maintaining the land. He offered to pay the state the fees and they refused the money. So Bundy used the money to maintain the land, which what was done before the fee structure was put into place.

    Harry Reid, his oldest son Rory and a chinese energy company are behind this land grab. Bundy is the last rancher standing that did not sell out.

    Now, besides those reasons, and many more, why are you not siding with "the people", instead of this corrupt government and it's politicians?

    It was never about any 'fees', turtles or whatever else they want you to believe.

    It's the same reason it always is in this country, MONEY.

  7. Ok when I clicked on the live feed it is showing a traffic jam. Why is traffic backed up?

  8. These are called allotments and rancher purchased them in the late 1800's and the intent was for them to be passed down or sold. Along with the purchase came an agreement to pay a maintenance fee to the federal government. What was happening was the BLM wasn't holding up their end of the agreement and this became costly to all of the other ranchers in the area so they had to sell. Costly because the cattle need water sources, fences to prevent overgrazing, roads had to be built and kept up.

    Not much interest in desert acreage in NV so the feds purchased them for pennies on the dollar.

  9. ATTENTION HAPPENING NOW BREAKING NEWS ALERT the sheriff has not shown up and now the protestors are all going to the corrals to let the cows OUT. Prayers be with them.

  10. Isn't it funny how the government is spending so much time and energy on roaming cows......meanwhile illegals are crossing the border and they don't give a crap. I guess the cows can't vote for them.

  11. "Despite threats such as “one more step and you’re dead,” the protesters continued their slow march towards BLM agents as bullhorns blared.

    Refusing to back down, the protesters marched straight past the armed men and towards the cattle pen.

    Sheriff Gillespie eventually appeared to inform Bundy supporters that the BLM had finally caved and agreed to release the 100 cattle they had seized that were inside the pen."

  12. 5:48, I'm feeling you sarcasm. If this doesn't show some nonbelievers how most politicians are all about themselves then what will? I also hope some of the federal agents wise up. They are nothing but pawns to the bureaucrats in DC. Oh when one is killed, they show up at the funeral talking a good game but it's all pretend. They really could care less if and when one dies in the line of duty.
    I watched some of the videos of the coverage and to me it looked as though some of the BLM agents were genuinely pained and may have realized how they are sent out to do the dirty work while the bureaucrats are safely tucked away in DC and are the ones reaping the benefits.

  13. This is just what the communists did. They seized people's land they were making a living off of, all "for the greater good."
    The capitalists were financing the communists, so they would have a monopoly so to speak on everything. People had no choice of what to buy, who to buy it from or even were to work. It was a handful of big companies doing all the business. The US is going about it at a slower pace. They are slowly but surely regulating and taxing small business out of the way of the big companies.

  14. They backed down out of "Fear for their safety"! LOL! Good for US!

    Next time, our Militias will be even STRONGER!!!

    God Bless American citizens!

  15. Lincoln offered statehood to Nevada a long time ago,(A) to secure an election, and (B)fund his civil war with the abundant silver in Nevada. The fed government owns around 84% of the land in Nevada, as it owns varying percentages of all states land.

    Regardless, what BLM, Reid, his son, the chinese energy company and I'm sure other agencies and politicians are doing is wrong.

    God Bless these thousand or so souls for standing up for what is right and thank God no one got hurt. This time.

    I don't believe it is over and I don't believe the court system is the only option BLM and others will employ to get what they want, nor do I believe it will end in Nevada.

    It has been going on in that state, and other states, for quite some time. The spotlight has recently been shown on them and their activities and they will slither back into the tall grass until such a time the attention on them has receded.

    Keep your eyes on them, this is far from over.

  16. There's a land grab going on along the Keystone Pipeline. Of course "big oil" is winning all the time.

  17. So, the Militia won! We, the People! With open carry laws we so desperately need everywhere, and concealed as well!

    It's very empowering to know things went this way! Next time will not take as long...

  18. The agents never left the area. They are still there, with their snipers, and more have shown up since the 'victory'.

    It's far from over.


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