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Thursday, April 24, 2014

BREAKING NEWS: 3 American doctors killed in Afghan attack

The US Embassy in Kabul says 3 American doctors were killed by an Afghan security guard who opened fire at a Kabul hospital on Thursday morning.

From Fox News


  1. See how crazy those people are. They hate us so much that even kill those of us who are helping them to live!

  2. This is Obama's fault!
    Why let Afghan's secure our personnel? I'd bet our personnel didn't even have loaded weapons.

  3. Kind of like how, Libyans "security" was "guarding" the compound in Libya, 7:11.
    God forbid Obama ever learns from his past mistakes. Learn? Gotta have a functioning brain to learn.
    Obama's best suited listening to rap music and playing basketball. Those activities are more along his intellect level.

  4. And Hillbillary would say "At this point, what difference does it make?"


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