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Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Bonuses Given To IRS Employes Who Owed Back Taxes

While some taxpayers are worried about getting steep fines for fudging on their tax returns, a new government watchdog’s report found that the Internal Revenue Service paid $1 million in bonuses to employees who owed back taxes.

In addition, the IRS’s inspector general found that the tax agency had been granting cash and time-off rewards to employees who had faced disciplinary action in the past.

All told, the Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration (TIGTA) survey found that between October 1, 2010 and December 31, 2012, more than 2,800 employees with recent documented “conduct issues resulting in disciplinary action” received more than $2.8 million in monetary bonuses and more than 27,000 hours in time-off awards. More than 1,100 IRS employees with federal “tax compliance problems” received more than $1 million in cash awards and more than 10,000 hours in time-off awards.


  1. It makes no difference because Eric Holder will do nothing about it. How in the world would any law abiding citizen vote for a democrat is beyond me.

  2. More of the same from this administration...no good deed goes unpunished and no bad deed goes unpromoted!

  3. Why are government employees receiving bonuses? How does an IRS employee qualify for a bonus anyway? When does it end?

  4. Don't worry. The bonuses came from potential increases to SSA recipients. The old people will fund this as always.

  5. Government workers should not get bonuses they should be thankful what they do get.

  6. What difference does it make - Hillary

    Unfortunately nobody will be held to account

  7. More proof that this admin is a joke. They send in heavily armed federal agents for Bundy but give IRS employees who owe taxes a bonus.
    I've seen it posted on here about voting straight Republican and I'm going that route as well. As far as I'm concerned all the local democrats can go straight
    to hell.
    Anyone with a D behind their name accepts and allows this offensive behavior by
    the democratic
    party, which has clearly and completely run amok.


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