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Friday, April 25, 2014

Bad loser: 'Call of Duty' gamer calls in SWAT team on teen who won

A gamer who lost an online battle of “Call of Duty” took out his frustration to the extreme, calling in a hoax threat that ultimately sent an army of ground police, helicopter cops and emergency response vehicles to the home of the game winner.

The police apparently had their guns drawn when they arrived at the Long Island home, the New York Post reported.

The complaint — a prank, it turns out — was allegedly initiated over Skype against winning gamer Rafael Castillo, 17, of Long Beach. The prank caller told police he was Rafael and that: “I just killed my mother, and I might shoot more people,” police reported.

But Rafael was simply the winning gamer — and his losing competitor was angry that he had been eliminated from the online game, police said. Still, police didn’t know that and went on high alert, the New York Post said.

They responded to the home with scrambled helicopters and 60 armed officers, including members of the Nassau County special operations elite unit, a SWAT team. Firetrucks also sped to the home, the New York Post said.



  1. I hope they nail the kid that called them in to the wall. This happens frequently and people have been killed. Granted the cops didn't know at the time, but cops are just too trigger happy. They are so scared of their own shadow they shoot at anything that moves, dogs, old men with canes, etc.

  2. ok, not good.... but it's still funny as hell


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