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Tuesday, April 01, 2014

And Big Government Just Keeps Getting Bigger

The Pentagon will triple its cyber staff to defend against attacks that threaten national security. Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel says 6,000 cyber warriors will be on the payroll by 2016. There are fewer than 2,000 now. Hagel spoke at a ceremony for Gen. Keith Alexander. He retired Friday as head of both Cyber Command and the National Security Agency. The President has nominated Vice Adm. Mike Rogers to take over. He awaits Senate confirmation. In the meantime, two deputies are in charge of the agencies.


  1. Goliath kept getting bigger,and we all know what the outcome was.

  2. and the government will arm them all eventually.

  3. The 2nd Amendment is not about rights. It is about CAPABILITY. It is about ensuring the capability to respond to violence, and oppression. Not with 1 round, or 10, but with the full force of indignant violence deserved at a breach of our peace.

  4. So, triple the size of the NSA, in effect? While reducing their workload?



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