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Wednesday, April 30, 2014

America Eats Itself

The body politic's overactive racism antibodies.

EDITOR’S NOTE: The following is Jonah Goldberg’s weekly “news”letter, the G-File. Subscribe here to get the G-File delivered to your inbox on Fridays.

Dear Reader (Including those of you who came here expecting a good ‘Dear Reader’ gag),

I’m sitting here in the lobby of the Williamstown Inn waiting for the restaurant to open. The décor is a mix between New England traditional and cat-lady Grandma’s House (though the staff is very nice). The Muzak playing at 5:30 in the morning seems oddly reminiscent of a long time-lapse scene from A Man Called Horse or maybe the soundtrack when William Holden found that nice pacific village in Bridge on the River Kwai.

Now that I got the important stuff out of the way, I gave a talk here at Williams College last night. The paperwork from my speakers’ bureau said I was being brought in by the Young Republicans. But, as the guy caught with a tranny hooker said to the cops, either there was some mistake or this was a clever ruse. I was in fact brought in by a group of impressive kids called simply “Uncomfortable Learning.”


1 comment:

  1. Liberals have promoted an appetite for hate among the populous. They have confused the overt opposition to nasty lowlife people that have no decency or morality with racism.
    I do not have to accept or tolerate people that live like animals, smell like animals, treat their children WORSE than animals do, refuse to work for a living, have an I.Q. of 80 tattooed all over themselves, cannot speak the English language even though they were born here and show nothing but jealousy and contempt for people of a different social group or race.
    I will NEVER accept or tolerate them as my equal. Period.
    They have been taught to hate as a way of life by the likes of Obama, Jackson, Sharpton, Cummings, Rangel, etc, all race hustlers who have done nothing for humanity or the people they claim to care about.


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