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Monday, April 28, 2014

African-American Bodyguard Would Take Bullet For Bundy


  1. The real racist Barak Obama failed to mention this information!

  2. Bundy is an old man that lives out in nowhere, the media caught him off guard and he stuck in foot in his mouth. My grandfather used to talk like that, my God he was born in 1895, didn't make it right, just sayin'. Obama on the other hand is supposed to be a scholar yet told Americans we could keep our doctors and keep our health care. Not a smidgeon of corruption? Why plead the fifth to congressional questions?

    This administration is trying to say the media would be easier on him if Obama was white. Once Watergate broke, once the Lewinski scandal broke, the media had microphones in the faces of Clinton and Nixon at every turn, a lot more than they question Obama.

    A special prosecutor was hired to investigate oral sex within the oval office, Ken Starr. Maybe if this administration would appoint a special prosecutor to investigate the IRS and Benghazi, if they prove to be in the clear, then I would have problems with more investigations.

    I would go as far as saying this administration is the worst for transparency since the mob investigations and the JFK, MLK, RFK assignations.

  3. There were a large number of folks there ready to do just that. This is a court issue that the BLM thought they could settle out of court, until they found themselves surrounded....


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