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Tuesday, April 08, 2014

Afghan policeman screams “Allahu akbar,” murders AP photographer

This was an Afghan policeman — a unit commander named Naqibullah. Ostensibly an exponent of the Karzai regime, America’s ostensible ally. The problem is that there is no reliable way to distinguish “moderates” from Islamic jihadists, and the politically correct U.S. command in Afghanistan makes no attempt to do so, anyway. Such inquiries would be “Islamophobic.”

“AP photographer killed, reporter wounded,” from theAssociated Press, April 4 (thanks to Darcy):

KABUL, Afghanistan (AP) — A veteran Associated Press photographer was killed and an AP reporter was wounded on Friday when an Afghan policeman opened fire while they were sitting in their car in eastern Afghanistan.

Anja Niedringhaus, 48, an internationally acclaimed German photographer, was killed instantly, according to an AP Television News freelancer who witnessed the shooting.



  1. We need to meet this with asymmetric force...about 73 times....starting with the leadership this guy works for.....yes it will escalate - but they'll run out of people before we run out of steel rain from above...

  2. Anyone who thinks we can trust any of those people, is sadly mistaken.

    Just look at the History--it speaks for itself.

  3. What does Allah think?
    If you have an answer to that, you're in need of mental help.

  4. Kill them all and let God sort em out.

  5. These people are a cancer that needs o be eradicated by any and all means possible.


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