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Tuesday, April 22, 2014

According to RadCast.org, there's been another dangerous mistake at Japan's Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant

Last week, TEPCO announced that 200 tons of highly radioactive water flooded basements at that plant, after the wrong pumps were left on because of human error. The tainted water that filled the basements was used to cool nuclear fuel rods, and it leaked before going through a radiation-reducing purification process. That means that the water was highly radioactive, and it's just the latest example of how dangerous the ongoing situation is at Fukushima. Only days before, TEPCO announced that an August leak of 300 tons of water was way more radioactive than initially thought. That August leak made it's way into the Pacific Ocean, however this latest incident is said to have been contained. These leaks clearly show that TEPCO isn't qualified to handle the massive Fukushima disaster, and it's time for the international community to step in. For the safety of our planet, the world must come together to deal with this disaster. Check out RadCast.org for the latest updates on Fukushima, and all your other nuclear news.


  1. If it was on rad cast.com, known for its high standards and journalism experience,it must be true

  2. Does "the world must come together to deal with this disaster" mean the whole world or just the US? We seem to always go it alone.

  3. I don't think this was any accident the japanese lie like hell about anything that might cost them money and they damn sure don't care about the environment.


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