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Saturday, April 12, 2014

A Letter To The Editor 4-12-14

I have reported a problem with Kory Shiles (Mardela High School Softball Coach) to Rick Briggs, Principal of Mardela High School and Ryan Ashby, Wicomico County Board of Education. I was told the problem was being handled. The problem HAS not been handled. I am a tax paying citizen and I have the right to know what is being done since my tax dollars are paying his salary. Kory Shiles gets away with everything since his mother is the Dean of Students at Mardela High School. This man gets his hands slapped and nothing is done to him. This matter needs to be addressed immediately.

On Saturday, April 5th, 2014 Kory Shiles showed up at Parkside High School Softball Game and he stood behind home plate while my daughter was pitching and made faces at her, pointed at her, and laughed at her. Kory also questioned the umpire at home plate about my daughter not being at Parkside High School long enough to play softball and told the umpire she shouldn’t be playing and that she should be going to Mardela High School.

First, he should have not questioned the umpire because Parkside High School was not playing Mardela High School, they were playing Bennett. I was told by the umpire he had to question the coach. Kory Shiles should have never discussed the situation with anyone because he was not on the field playing in that game. My child has been at Parkside High School for more than 45 days. His behavior is unexceptable.

Then, Wednesday, April 9, 2014, as I came to the Mardela High School vs Parkside High School game at Parkside High School, I had a Deputy Sheriff waiting for me at the gate and telling me not to cause any trouble. I have done nothing wrong and I am being treated as the bad guy.

Kory’s actions started the problem. I don’t understand why no one at the Wicomico County Board of Education will handle the matter or pick the phone up and talk to someone. Stop avoiding the situation. I have talked with the Wicomico County Sheriff’s Department and my attorney. They asked me to try one more time to get this resolved before we had to go further.

After 4 reports this will be my last attempt. I am also aware of Kory Shiles going in front of the Wicomico County Board of Education for practicing Softball, with bats, balls, and gloves before the allowed time by School Board practice and tryout schedule. He was doing open practices at school in the gym during the winter and the batting stations were at the Harcum’s home on Tuesday nights. NOTHING happened to him then just another slap on the hand.

I am also very aware of Kory Shiles’ behavior at school that you have to be in his CLIQUE to make his teams. During soccer season he brought 3 girls and put them on the soccer team after tryouts and After the season started because he said the students wanted to play. They could have gone to tryouts like everyone else. This is not fair to the students that do what they are asked. Once again, this was reported and nothing was done, because he is the Athletic Director.

I believe if you are the Athletic Director of all sports then you should not be the coach of a team. I am aware that there were 8 senior girls who would not tryout for softball this year because Kory told them they would not play because he had new players coming in this year. Those girls had played softball for Kory Shiles for the past 3 years. School should be all about your senior year. I also have read the “ No Bullying Policy” of Wicomico County Schools and to me Kory Shiles has bullied my daughter and gotten away it. If this was someone else they would be in trouble. I don’t understand why Kory Shiles keeps getting his hands slapped and sent back to do it all over again.


  1. Its time for Paul Harvey!!!!!!!!!!

  2. you have got to be kidding me...

    do people actually know there are repercussions for being slanderous?

    I wonder if this is the dinner table conversation in this guy's home?

  3. I was a parent at that game & I was sitting close enough at the game to hear the umpire ask Kory if the player was legal. The Bennett coachs were questioning her eligibility not Kory. He responded the said player had been there almost all year so there is no issue.I never saw Kory point or laugh at the player. And fyi he hasnt coached soceer for at least 2yrs.
    Since seniors can only play varsity that means they cant play J.V. so if they don't make varsity squad they are cut!

    1. Why would the umpire question kory if parkside was playing bennett? He is the coach at mardela. And the umpire wouldn't know. That's why you question the coach. The umpire wouldn't know how long she had been at parkside. So you must not have been sitting close enough.

  4. You never see this type of behavior at a chess match!

  5. I don't know any of these people,but something doesn't sit well with me.Inaction on the part of the WBOE may suggest an altered and/or inaccurate perception on the part of the complaintant.I have personally worked with people who perceived everything in a different light than anyone else,and there's no convincing them that they may be wrong.

  6. The Bennett coaches were not questioning the players elgibility. Kory questioned the umpire. I am a Bennett parent and watched it all.

  7. As the softball representative for the 1a east region and district 8 softball representative, he probably does have the right to ask the question about playing status. He definitely has the experience and knowledge to answer the question if asked by another coach. I have known Kory for at least 15 years and would never believe he would conduct himself the way the OP stated. You would have to show me the video to convince me.
    As far as out of season practices go, I am sure Kory knows this rule inside and out. It use to read something like you "could not coach out of season if it was made up of more than 70% of you team". Remember incoming freshman are not on the team yet. It was also allowed if it was an open gym type situation and anyone was allowed to participate. If the OP has an issue with it, contact the state governing body for high school sports- the MPSSAA.
    As a former HS coach it sounds to me like the OP's daughter did not make the soccer team one year and they are upset. She was then told at the end of last softball season something to the effect of "unless you make some drastic changes and dedicate yourself to improving your softball skills, it is highly likely you will not make the varsity team next year". Coaches have to decide if they will keep younger players who have time to improve or a senior who has not shown too much in the previous three years. Unless that senior is one who means a lot to team chemistry, it is usually an easy decision. See, good coaches, like Kory, have those kinds of conversations with their players at the end of a season. Wouldn't you rather know that you are going to have a tough time making the team next year? I would much rather be cut than sit the bench my entire senior year because I was not good enough to play varsity and too old to play JV but the coach felt bad for me so kept me. You are correct on one point though. Coaches do have their "cliques" and favorites. These are usually the kids who stay out of trouble, follow the rules, are TEAM players, and bust their humps every day to make their self and their team better- all with a smile on their face and not one complaint coming from them. Coaches love to have those types of athletes in their "inner circle".
    As far as AD's not coaching, that is laughable. Do you know how hard it is to find good, dependable coaches? You would have really hated Barbara McCool, may God rest her soul.
    Kory, you have done a great job at Mardela, keep up the good work!
    To the OP. When you call the Board of Ed next time to speak to the Supervisor of Athletics for Wicomico county, please make sure you ask for Brian Ashby, not Ryan. That man deserves a little respect too.

  8. The real issue here is where do you live and where does the student in question reside? Sounds like school shopping to me. Maybe both the parents and the student should focus on studies and education rather than softball.

  9. Why is it "slanderous" 8:23? Slander/libel involves communication that is false. You can whatever you please about someone as long as it's true.

  10. Sounds to me like there is an underlying story that isn't being told.

  11. Buddy..Oh yeah, we know who this is complaining. From a MMHS softball parent, your daughter isn't good enough to be a starting pitcher so you are looking to disparage our coach. Just because you spend lots if money on travel ball doesn't mean that she is all that.

    You made the decision for her to go to Parkside on special permission even though you are lying about where she is living. Maybe Mr. Ashby needs to look into the legitimy of the special permission because your daughter isn't living with her mom.

    You want to stir up stuff on Mr. Shiles, be ready for what comes out of it. Loser!

  12. For not being and choosing not to be part of the Mardela family this person sure seems to know a lot of ( or assumes to know )what has been going with the softball team. We all know what assuming does. Hopefully his daughter can move forward and get beyond this which she could if her father allows her. He has been bad mouthing Mr. Shiles every time I've seen him since last November, so it most likely the discussion at the dinner table. Get over your childlessness and move on.

  13. Has he ever made physical contact with you in any way?
    If so , then pursue your case with a lawyer.

  14. As a parent of a Parkside softball player, you are making a mockery of our team. These parents have been pure drama for us and this tops it all. I was at this game and this coach did no such thing. Information is slowly trickling in to us about the two of you.

  15. Pathetic how some people's entire lives revolves around the Jr Varsity Sports their children attempt.

    It mirrors life. Some fail and some succeed.

    Pointing out your on the field issues in a public venue to me is about as pathetic as it gets.

    I suggest you consult Walter Matthau and Tatum O'Neill to find a support group

  16. The child in question lives in the town of Mardela and is using a Salisbury address. The address is in the Bennett School District not Parkside.

    The child also is only in 9th grade. This all started because she knew she would not be able to be the starting pitcher on the softball team, so her parents moved her to Parkside High School. Her mother graduated from Parkside.

    She is a good player and pitcher, she made Parkside Varsity Softball as a freshman.

    Maybe the Board of Ed needs to look into the falsely stated living conditions.

  17. I am not sure what part of this rant upsets me more and makes me want to scream or throw up. Anyone who is or is not from the Mardela community & family should be able to see this non sense for what it is. As a parent of a student & athlete at Mardela I am proud of the standards & values that are instilled to our kids. These students are expected to conduct themselves as representatives of their school and do so with respect and pride, these are the same expectations and example that our school administrators, staff, coaches and parents try to set for our kids, our family, and community. I am so proud to say Kory Shiles is an excellent teacher, coach, athletic director, and friend. He does not have the luxury of being able to respond to these horrible things that are being said about him & the successful sports program that our school & community are so proud of. My hope is that for all the negative venom that has been said can be seen for just what it is. Hard work should not be looked upon as a bad thing, maybe if those that seem to have issues spent as much time & energy worrying about what someone else may be doing or not doing they would realize they are wasting precious time and trying to make trouble with unnecessary DRAMA.

  18. Maybe it's time that the Board of Ed and Mr. Ashby look at this whole special permission thing. I don't understand why if you live in a district that you aren't required to attend that school. You made the choice to live there.

    The only reason to allow this is if your school doesn't have a certain sport and you want to play.

    Can we do an info request to see how many kids on special permission also play varsity sports? This is why are schools are overcrowded.

  19. There is write up in daily times today in the sports sections about all the kids and special permission and mardela allowing the basketball players to transfer in.

  20. It is interesting that the Daily Times picks on Mardela girl's basketball for "recruiting". It is well known that Butch Waller at Wi Hi has been doing this for years but no one dares bring it up in the media.

    How do you think JMB won their state baseball titles recently? They recruited players from other schools through organizations like Man Up and other travel ball clubs.

    Joe...this issue needs more attention and I would hope that you would dig further into this. I hear that their are over a hundred kids playing varsity sports that are on special permission.

    Our schools put more emphasis on sports than they do academics. The average kid cannot make their varsity team because other kids are taking up roster spots when they don't even live in that district. This has to stop!

    If I agree with anything the Daily Times said in their article it was to put a year long athletic ban on any student that transfers on special permission. Since the requests must be approved yearly, wipe the slate clean and make kids go back to home schools next year and play in that school.

    This fiasco has to stop!

  21. What this all comes down to is that the parent feels his daughter has the skill level to play varisty and at this time she does not, the maturity level is not there. Knowing the parents, no matter what happens it is ALWAYS someone elses fault. Do you work with her in addition to her lessons, my guess is NO!! In no way is any of this the fault of Kory Shiles, you set your sites on him long before softball tryouts . Open gym yes there was and I witnessed basketball being played,pitchers and catchers working, different sports tsking place. Yes a group of girls got together to practice hitting Coach Shiles had NOTHING to do with it, was not there, yes it was open to all but only a few made the decision to participate. Yes this our first year at MMHS we are thrilled at how Coach Shiles treats his girls and how he conducts practice.
    Be accountable for your actions or lack there of, the world is not out to get you, grow up !! I think that as facts come to light you will be seen for what you both are pathatic unhappy people.

  22. spoil your child and lets see how great of an adult they'll be

  23. I don't know whats worse-the coaches who CLEARLY have favorites and friends in high places and disparage any child who is not good at athletics or those damn "sports parents" who are trying to relive their sports star dreams through their kids.

  24. Special permission will NEVER stop!!! If you do not live in the schools distict go to the school within your distict, want to attend a different school than buy a home within that district. Coaches do favor those who give 100%, have playing experience and those who play for the team not the individual. Come on people grow up, do your kids a favor and let them grow up!


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