As the Obamacare enrollment period draws to a tentative close – and you never know when the period will close, given President Obama’s apparent willingness to manipulate the calendar repeatedly – horror stories about the Affordable Care Act mount.
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) originally maintained, “All of [the horror stories] are untrue, but they’re being told all over America”; he now says that he never called such horror stories lies. It’s a smart backtrack, given the wide variety of Obamacare horror stories that continue to pile up day after day. Across the nation, premiums are blowing up; according to a December analysis by USA Today, more than half of the counties under the federal Obamacare exchange “lack even a bronze plan that’s affordable by the government’s own definition.”
And that is having an impact on individuals.
6. Dumb ruination of the USA