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Tuesday, April 08, 2014

2016 Wishes - A President Who Doesn't Kiss Wall Street's Rear-End

Is there any hope that we might actually elect a president with the mandate and courage to take down Wall Street instead of kissing its rear end in humiliating obeisance?

The 2016 presidential election may be far away to those obsessed with the news cycle, but it's not too early to express one single hope: that we finally elect a president who doesn't kiss Wall Street's rear end every single day for four/eight years running. It's not difficult, folks; it's either/or. Either the President is willing to take down Wall Street or he/she is kissing Wall Street's rear end. There is no middle ground.

Either the next president issues an executive order (or whatever it takes) to enact these four administrative rules, or he/she is kissing Wall Street's rear end every single day of his/her administration.



  1. I would just settle for RINOs not doing that to a Democratic president.

  2. Amen to this wish.

    So forget JEB Bush.

    I just don't know if there is anyone who isn't owned by Wall St. and the corporations.


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