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Friday, March 28, 2014

Why Can’t Obama Unilaterally End NSA Spying?

Since when has the President waited for Congressional authority to do anything?

Senator Rand Paul called out the president Tuesday, urging that if he were really serious about ending NSA bulk data collection, then he would do it immediately.

“The interesting thing is he unilaterally instituted this program without congressional authority,” Paul said on the Fox News morning show Fox & Friends.

“Now he’s saying he has to wait for congressional authority to undo it. I think he could unilaterally stop the program if he were serious about it.” the Senator added.



  1. Really , he has gained all the information he wanted. The damage is done!

  2. He "has a pen, and a phone", but he is a deceiver, a liar and a megalomaniac and he is using the power an misplaced authority of the federal Government against his opposition and those he mistakenly considers his enemies.
    He is committing treason on a daily basis and should be hanged.

  3. Good luck with this president doing anything to protect the American people.

  4. I like Rand Paul,but he is clueless where the NSA is concerned.He talks as though it can just be shut down but it cannot be.The technology involved has been integrated into all forms of communication.If Obama did as the senator suggests he would be admitting that he is powerless to stop the NSA.The 9/11 panic justified the NSA,and since then it has spread worldwide.What a joke to think that anyone could stop it.


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