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Sunday, March 16, 2014

Tomorrow Starts Something New On Salisbury News

Starting Monday morning Salisbury News will be delivering news and information 24 hours a day Monday through Friday. 

Over the years we have grown so out of control, I noticed on Friday and Saturdays when we published news 24 hours, our traffic in the middle of the night skyrocketed.

This means people working the night shift and or are up late or very early in the morning came to see what we had available. 

That being said, you'll see articles every hour starting at 1 AM. Most hours you'll see articles every 1/2 hour and even every 15 minutes. Not for nothing Folks but this puts a lot more pressure on what we do but I think it will be worth it in the end. 

Thanks again for visiting Salisbury News and we hope you'll like the new format. 


  1. Please -- more local news because the mainstream media in Salisbury is terrible and we can get the other stuff from many other sites and broadcast stations.

  2. 12:46, Might I suggest you get off your ass and create your own Blog then. You go attend all the meetings and then go home and type up all the stories. Some of you make it sound like what we do is simple, no problem. Well, let's see it then. I have plenty of money to just walk away. Put me out of business.

  3. Well my tone is a lot different from 12:46. I have no idea who you people are, but from what I have read for the past 2-1/2 years THIS IS THE GREATEST SOURCE OF NEWS THIS SIDE OF THE MISSISSIPPI!! Joe - I mean this from the bottom of my heart, nowhere, I mean nowhere, can you get this kind of coverage. Everything is almost LIVE STEAMING news, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. I can tell you that all of my friends say the same. Thanks again for all your hard work.

  4. I'm not sure 12:46 meant it the way it was written/typed. Just odd wording (I hope).
    This is the ONLY site (besides Harrison's) to come for news.
    Nary a clue how you do it - lotta dedication and work for free. I'm guessin' you're losing money.
    BUT I'm glad you and your staff do it.

  5. I only wish I had announced my presence earlier, I would have been in on a full time gig, doing what I loved...inter..netting.. if that's a word. Oh well, I make thousands per week on the internet, I will remain in the shadows. Keep growing, Joe, you deserve it... and so does the viewing public.

  6. Joe, perhaps you took 12:46 the wrong way. Maybe, they meant your blog is the only place where we can get accurate, local news - and it really is. I appreciate everything you do and certainly hope you continue for many years.
    Thank you.

  7. "I have enough money to walk away".
    Please walk away

  8. 7:23, Jonathan, WHY can't you just act like a man for once in your life and use your actual name. I'll bet you still walk around the house wearing a Grinch mask.

  9. There are a bunch of us who do work night shifts. This is great news.

  10. This site is growing while the other one is dying a slow death.

  11. I/we appreciate your 'thank you' Joe but, it's you who should be thanked.
    Thank you SbyNews for being here.

  12. "Anonymous said...
    Well my tone is a lot different from 12:46."

    Strict adherents to proper etiquette are aware that there was nothing out of line in the "tone" of 1246's comment. They were merely doing nothing more than offering what they would like to see. The fact that they started (as opposed to ending which takes the "tone" of demanding) with "Please" shows a sign of someone of a higher class and sophistication.

  13. Joe you are the one and only for all your local news.


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