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Thursday, March 20, 2014

The most honest three and a half minutes of television, EVER: WARNING, foul language


  1. This is great. I just love the "this country is great because of it's "diversity" BS. The second anyone mentions the word "diversity" I know they have their head shoved up their butt. Nothing but a brainwashed fool, not worthy to lick dog crap off of decent people who actually engage their brains and think.
    Liberals use the word "diversity" ad nauseum, but are in total contradictory of the meaning. Liberals want everyone to think alike. They want everyone to accept everyone. This is abnormal.

  2. When white men can't have their way, then America to them is not a great country.

  3. 10:34 - what actually happened is a non-white man is having his way and destroying the country.

  4. 10:34 When we have a President that bows to a Muslim, married to a woman who says since the election she, for once, is proud to be an American, we are not the greatest Country in the world. We may survive Obama, but I'm afraid we can't survive the mindset of the people who voted for him.

  5. 10:34, well said...

    Awesome video Joe... Thanks for sharing..

  6. look how far we've come with deversity and tolerance.

  7. Is that the best you have 10:34? What exactly was said on this video that didn't hit the nail squarely on it's head? Bet we don't hear another peep out of you because when you don't have a defense you bring race into the picture. Being called a racist anymore means nothing. Only ignoramus' scream racism anymore because they have nothing logical to say.

  8. 10:34 Your comment shows your mentality. This has nothing to do with any race of people. The man is simply stating that we've lowered our standards. Obama has and continues to lower our standards because he has a banana republic mindset.

  9. this is the first time some of you have seen this video?


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