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Thursday, March 20, 2014

Study: 38 percent of private employers will cut workers if minimum wage is raised

WASHINGTON – Thirty-eight percent of America’s private employers say they will lay off workers if Congress agrees to raise the minimum wage to $10.10, according to a new survey by the nation’s largest privately held staffing firm.

Fifty-four percent of employers who are paying their workers the current minimum wage of $7.25 per hour say they would reduce hiring, while 65 percent say they would raise prices on their goods and services to offset the bumps in pay.



  1. I have some more bad news for you. Much of the manufacturing that happens on the Eastern Shore is here because we have a large workforce that is willing to work for less than $10/hr. How long will a company stay in Maryland when they have 200 employees currently being paid $8/hr? As employee wages are one if not the biggest expenses for these companies they will relocate.

    I have had the opportunity to speak with many of these companies and when the topic of this wage hike comes up most of them say the same thing "it is not a good thing". While I am NOT in a position to speak to their Corp Headquarters about this I am in a position to speak with the people that are in charge locally and they ALL have read the writing on the wall.

  2. Good. More economic destruction and faster, please. Give the idiots who voted for the Dem exactly what they want.

  3. I have some bad news for you 1:11

    The reason they are willing to work for less , they don't do much but gossip and BS.
    I've had as many as 100 working , or at least putting in time , they don't want to excel or succeed . Read it and weep .

    Buy some beer or smokes maybe a condom , maybe not.

  4. If they don't need the workers now, what is stopping them from laying off? Why pay for something you don't need, regardless of the wage?
    Of course they state that, but the fact is, they won't lay people off, they will suck it up just like they have every other time MW went up.
    So sad greedy employers will lose a little bit of that lining in their pockets.

  5. The people on the eastern shore here are willing to work for less money because they are a whole lot slower than the rest of the country!

  6. Obama Crooked BastardoMarch 20, 2014 at 9:21 PM

    Supprise supprise. What did I tell you all. Marty OweMalley and his plan to get more people on Government Welfare.


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