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Thursday, March 20, 2014


A new survey reports that if Congress raises the current minimum wage from $7.25 to $10.10, there will be catastrophic effects. Among private employers paying the minimum wage, 38% will fire workers, 54% will reduce the number of employees they hire, and 65% will raise the prices on the goods and services they provide.

The survey, conducted by Express Employment Professionals, also revealed that among employers including those who pay minimum wage and those who pay more, if the minimum wage is raised, 19% would fire workers, 39% would cut their hiring, and 51% would raise their prices.

The Congressional Budget Office said last month that even raising the country’s minimum wage gradually to $10.10 by 2016 would see employment numbers plummet by 500,000 workers by the second half of 2016. Other estimates say that there is a 70% chance that the number of 500,000 could zoom close to one million.



  1. And they should. I hope it's even more. Kudos to the employers.

  2. As a longtime business owner I resent the Government telling me what I have to pay employees. Get out of my business and let the marketplace decide what someone is worth. Individuals need to make themselves more desirable to employers and they won't if Daddy Gov is controlling the hourly wages. By the way, I pay my people way more than the minimum wage because they are worth more, and that's the way it should be.

  3. Democrats cannot impose equality...they do impose stupity...most realist knew this would happen going for this farce....cost increases for all will be the fallout....and the carrot gets extended further out by further devalueing of the dollar that WILL OCCUR

  4. It will cost jobs and cause inflation. If you're an adult making minimum wage you never grew up and decided to take life seriously.

  5. Think about it this way a person flipping a hamburger makes 10.10 an hour, while other jobs that require apprenticeship, training or education make maybe a few dollars more.


  6. We covered this topic pretty extensively when OweMalley and OweBrown started making noise about it a few months back.

    Stupid idea then; stupid idea now!

  7. Everything has went up but the pay check. Picture living of 7.50 x40 = 300 then minus taxes. Could you live of that? Get off your high horses. I personally am a scale worker.43 63 an hour .but before that i made 16 an hour and still struggled raising a family.

  8. Anonymous said...
    Think about it this way a person flipping a hamburger makes 10.10 an hour, while other jobs that require apprenticeship, training or education make maybe a few dollars more.

    March 20, 2014 at 7:15 PM

    And then the cost of those burgers will be $10 so the burger joint will stay in business.... if possible.

  9. 9:29 why don't you just come out and admit your socialist beliefs. Obvious union drone. Take care of me Comrade Obama, I can't do it myself. Make my employer pay me more.

  10. Oh well 20% of that work force is illegals any way. Sorry it is what it is.

  11. Scale pay is another racket all together. Get bent.


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