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Wednesday, March 19, 2014

State Trooper Draws Gun On Undercover Cops, Profanity Lace


  1. Oh a pi$$ing contest between 2 cops. If they shoot each other is it still the the cops fault?

  2. Ahh Jersey the steroid capital of the world. Makes for a great police force. Go split a bagel pork roll and call it a day.

  3. I love it! Cops getting a taste of what they do to citizens EVERY DAY. "If I pulled my gun on YOU, how would you feel?"....LOL! Pretty much the way the rest of us feel.
    Except, this time, no unarmed citizens got shot over a broken tail light. Or talking back to a cop. Or for being nearby. Or for making a cop "afraid".
    The last example was sarcasm. Cops are ALWAYS afraid.
    Can you imagine how many shots that uniformed cop would have fired if a CITIZEN (you know, the ones they "serve") started raising his voice telling him "F*** you!!"??? My guess is 16-35 rounds, plus what rounds back-up cops would have fired at the body laying on the ground....


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