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Monday, March 17, 2014

Sen. Rand Paul Wins NRLC2014 Presidential Survey

NASHUA, NH – WPA Opinion Research (@WPAResearch) announced today that Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) has won this weekend’s Northeast Republican Leadership (@NLRC2014) Presidential Survey capturing almost 15% of the vote.

“What this survey tells is that is that no one candidate has really separated themselves from the potential field in 2016,” said Ryan Steusloff Vice President of WPA Opinion Research. “At this point, the nomination is completely up-for-grabs and of the would-be contenders, no one can be ruled out just yet.”

Full Results:

1. Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) – 15%
2. Gov. Chris Christie (R-NJ) – 13%
3. Dr. Ben Carson – 11%
3. Gov. Scott Walker (R-WI) – 11%
3. Fmr. Sen. Rick Santorum (R-PA) – 11%
6. Gov. Bobby Jindal (R-LA) – 9%
7. Fmr. Gov. Jeb Bush (R-FL) – 8%
8. Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) – 4%
9. Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) – 3%
10. Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI) – 3%
10. Fmr. Amb. John Bolton – 3%


  1. so what, there will be voter fraud in the real deal so don't count on anyone with a purpose to win...

  2. Ben Carson has said no he will not run each time he's asked and gets 11% pretty impressive considering Rand Paul only received 15%.

  3. Has anyone even said they were running yet? Anyone without political experience should quit pretending to be a potential candidate.They sound good taking jabs from the balcony but look like fools on the stage debating.

  4. Snowball in Heck???


  5. I hope Ben Carson runs if he means what says and I believe he does I will vote for him.

  6. Debates are huge 12:39-I would vote for Ben as well,but the fact that he has never debated nationally gives him a serious handicap.Even the moderators will be in attack mode.

  7. I find it a bit surprising to see the Rino Christie as elevated as he is. I'm sure that I'd support Carson, Cruz, Ryan or Santorum far, far sooner then Christie. So, I have to be a bit skeptical about the unbiased validity this NRL survey.

  8. I think that if we are looking for change the next president needs to be a bridge builder. Our law makers are supposed to be working together and I doubt they could order a pizza without gridlock. The only thing they can seem to agree on is they need to get deeper into our pockets.

    If you want real change though you will not find it at the ballet box. You will find it at the end of a barrel. MARK IT.

    To many people are so terrified their party wont make it into office that they don't think about what kind of job that person will do once they get into office. By then its to late.

    My vote in every election will now go to a non-incumbent.


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