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Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Secret Service Agents On Obama Detail Sent Home From Netherlands After Night Of Drinking

Three Secret Service agents responsible for protecting President Obama in Amsterdam this week were sent home and put on administrative leave Sunday after going out for a night of drinking, according to three people familiar with the incident. One of the agents was found drunk and passed out in a hotel hallway, the people said.

The hotel staff alerted the U.S. Embassy in the Netherlands after finding the unconscious agent Sunday morning, a day before Obama arrived in the country, according to two of the people. The embassy then alerted Secret Service managers on the presidential trip, which included the agency’s director, Julia Pierson.

Secret Service spokesman Ed Donovan confirmed Tuesday evening that the agency “did send three employees home for disciplinary reasons” and that they were put on administrative leave pending an investigation. Donovan declined to comment further. 



  1. You would have to be drunk to put up with obammie!

  2. Golly Day...missed the...March 26, 2014 at 4:22 PM


  3. You would have to be drunk to want to give up your life and take a bullet for this dumm-ander in chief!

  4. Wasn't, at one time, our Secret Service the most elite, honored, and respected civilian security organization in the world?
    This sort of thing is just another step on our country being on the fast track to becoming a 3rd-World nation.
    (Just a thought: Does anyone remember the last time - especially over the past six years - that we've been really proud of our nation?)

  5. Where do I sign up? Sounds like a great gig and a federal pension too.

  6. I'd get drunk to if I had to baby sit Obami :-(


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