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Sunday, March 16, 2014


Did the Daily Times fail to mention it in that recent article about you or is there another Ronald Anthony Pagano on the loose?

In either case, we can inform Wicomico County voters SBYNEWS if you care to – that’s what we do on this blog – so, just call to discuss or e-mail the details.

Because of the face amount of the federal “1040" tax lien – $1,051,586.57 – it smells like the result of failure to file and pay income tax for a number of years, including the penalty for that as well as interest.

If the “Ronald A. Pagano” named in the lien notice is someone else with that name or an imposter, we will post your proof of that situation if you have any and send it along with your social security card with the last 4 numbers shown. And even if you have no proof, we will post whatever you want to say about the matter provided you send the copy of your SS card.

Mr. Pagano, if you’re the one being liened for failure to pay taxes, your political pal Pretl probably can’t help you. Better call Lois Lerner. No, make that the O-man in DC – we hear that he knows how to get the IRS to do things.

PS – how difficult is it to get a One Million Dollar federal tax lien these days?


  1. This guy is running for county council. Good Lord.

  2. The quintessential liberal. Talks a real good game about everyone doing their part and is proficient at spending other people's money. But when it comes to walking the walk, they fail miserably.

  3. Sick, sick, sick. I would think this dude would withdraw from race immediately but he is likely one of those without a conscience. Go away Pagano and take care of your own business, not mine.

  4. Well He's run up a $1 million debt. He certainly seems like government material to me!

  5. Mr Pogano should step down for County Council,you need to take care of your own affairs before you try to run those of others. Also this states his address as a post office box in Delmar Del.

  6. Pogano is a left wing nut case.

  7. He is for more taxes but not for paying them, it appears.

  8. Not surprised he and Pretl are pals.

  9. Joe

    They say that he and Pretl are organizing a political action group to promote him and other socialist deadbeat candidates.

  10. How did the Daily Times miss that stuff - don't they know how to Google?

  11. Thank goodness he's running against Joe Holloway, who will clean his clock.

  12. He must be Rick Pollitt's political pal too.

  13. More evidence that with our mainstream media we really need Sbynews - thanks again for providing the real news.

  14. Wicomico Democrats have hit bottom for this county election -- Pagano, Pollitt and Mitchell plus other liberal losers that are for higher taxes as long as they don't pay them.

  15. Joe, make sure to talk to Holloway about getting paperballots. Otherwise, Chuck Cook will get on the computers and rig up the election for the little man.

  16. Unbelievable but true!

  17. I hear he is married to or lives with one of our fine school teachers Nancy Gismonda, who's brother is a officer at the sheriff's dept. Now those guys have a real winner to support. I hope if he gets elected he will support raises he is going to need more money.

  18. Meanwhile, the good people who have worked hard all their lives and paid their taxes and debts are being run out of town.

  19. Tax and spend liberal,not pay and abide by the law liberal.

  20. I understand that Pollitt is supporting Ron for this seat.

  21. How is it even possible to owe the IRS over a million dollars as an individual? I know Pagano was an attorney for a while, but I didn't think he was the type who made tons of money. Was he disbarred for not paying taxes?

  22. If you owe tax and don't file a return or file one with fraudulently low income, there is a big penalty and interest on the total until paid. And if that happens in a number of years the lien amount increased greatly in excess of the initial tax amount.

    That could be the reason in this instance.

    In any event, the Daily Times will never look into it.

  23. Anonymous said...
    I understand that Pollitt is supporting Ron for this seat.

    March 12, 2014 at 4:44 PM

    Rick Pollitt was one of the first ones to like Ron Pagano's Facebook page. Oh, and Chuck Cook was another.

  24. Anonymous said...
    Wicomico Democrats have hit bottom for this county election -- Pagano, Pollitt and Mitchell plus other liberal losers that are for higher taxes as long as they don't pay them.

    March 12, 2014 at 12:23 PM

    Um, Don't forget the "moderate" Tree Hugger Josh Hastings trying to win District 3 for the Cook and Ireton Democrats. They are all plants by the local Dem Machine.

  25. Anonymous said...
    Wicomico Democrats have hit bottom for this county election -- Pagano, Pollitt and Mitchell plus other liberal losers that are for higher taxes as long as they don't pay them.

    March 12, 2014 at 12:23 PM

    Please do not forget Josh Hastings and Ernie Davis on this list.

  26. Here is a list of Democrats not to vote for in the County Election.

    County Executive - Rick Pollitt
    District 1 - Ernie Davis
    District 2 - Kirby Travers
    District 3 - Josh Hastings
    District 4 - John Hall
    District 5 - Ron Pagano

    * John Hall is a RINO married to Carolyn Hall, best buds of Jim Ireton. Write in a Candidate for District 4 just to prove a point.

  27. This post is very important for the upcoming election and should be moved back to the top to be revisited. Thank you.


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