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Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Proposed Ban On E-Cigarettes In Public Places Draws Opposition

Maryland became the latest in a series of states struggling with how to regulate electronic cigarettes this past week when a bill aiming to ban them in public places was heard in a House committee.

Most e-cigarettes don’t contain tobacco, and don’t even emit smoke the way traditional cigarettes do. But many worry that the vapor they produce could be harmful if inhaled second hand and that, by making nicotine inhalation publicly acceptable again, e-cigarettes encourage teen addiction.

“We’ve had teachers and parents approach us about teachers in the classroom and substitute teachers vaping in front of students and we don’t believe that’s a social norm we’re trying to push forward,” Donald Shell of the Department of Health and Mental Hygiene told the House Economic Matters Committee.



  1. Gee wiz, the vapor is no more harmful than the "Smoke", coming out of my HO train engine. These people are idiots, there are much more pressing issues that need looking into, than this.

  2. I have been a pack a day smoker for nearly 15 years. 4 weeks ago today I bought an e-cig and I've not touched another cigarette since. I am a paramedic and I don't use them in front of my patients so I don't really thing that teachers should be using them in front of students. However at this time they haven't found anything toxic about the water vapor that is exhaled from the e-cig so I don't see any reason to ban them in public places.

    You absolutely can't tell me that a lot of this push the federal and state governments have toward banning and regulating these e-cigs isn't coming from the millions to billion that they tax tabacco products, not to mention all the bribes these politicians are taking from the tabacco companies because they feel it in their pockets.

  3. Maryland, where if you don't understand something it is evil and must be banned.

  4. 11:48 Same here. I smoked for 45 years. I tried to quit many times and failed. I purchased a e-cig starting kit 2 1/2 years ago and have not touched a tobacco product since. For me it's like a pacifier but it works.

  5. Women that wear too much perfume need to be legislated as well. Some where so much that it makes my eyes water and throat sting..I am a victim! Government help me!!

  6. Yep. I bought an e-cig 6 months sago and haven't touched a tobacco cigarette since. I tried patches, gum and Chantix without success. I think the problem was that I actually liked smoking. So, I bought a rechargable, refillable one online to see if it worked. I no longer have a smoker's cough and my taste and smell is returning.

  7. More nanny state BS

  8. Just wait til they realize less people smoking because they're using the electronic ones. Won't be long before they figure a way to tax them outrageously as well.

  9. Soon you will be able to smoke a joint any place in Maryland, and they are worried about an e-cig? These moron Democrats should be spending more time on the state sandwich.


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