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Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Potentially explosive new trend in marijuana use reported in Houston area

Hash oil is extracted from marijuana plants using highly flammable butane. Several people have been injured in explosions across the country as they tried to produce it.

Four teens and a 20-year-old allegedly had several grams of hash oil, over a pound of hydroponic marijuana, a shot gun and an assault rifle when they were arrested in Spring March 13.

Although the group was not producing it, officials said they fear it is only a matter of time before hash oil labs spring up in Houston.

Rehab centers are reporting its use is rapidly on the rise.

"We first began to see patients ... with a history of hash oil use in July 2013. Since that time, approximately 20 percent of the adolescents who have reported a history of marijuana use have also used THC concentrates or hash oil," said Vaughan Gilmore, staff social worker and addiction counsellor at Houston's Menninger Clinic.



  1. And Maryland wants to condone MJ use and make it not a crime.

  2. we used to do this back in the 70's and never used butane. So maybe this is just thinning the herd a bit!

  3. Its called dab. And its stupid. It takes pounds on high dollar pot to make a gram or so of this stuff. Four thousand dollars a pound for a couple grams.yup all the rich folks with leashless kids are gonna step up and stand against this.

  4. Its science 101. Butane and open flames do not mix. Do try and blame the drug because the user is dumb enough to catch himself on fire. That's like blaming the gun for the dumb behavior of the owner. The difference is that most gun owners are aware of the the danger of guns and they take precautions. Don't loose sight of that fact.


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