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Saturday, March 29, 2014

Piers Morgan Signs Off CNN Show With Final Plea For Gun Control

LOS ANGELES – CNN host Piers Morgan issued one last plea for U.S. gun control as he wrapped up his show's three-year run.

Morgan devoted the prime-time show's final minutes Friday night to the issue that he said has been a "consistent and often very controversial" part of "Piers Morgan Live."

The British-born host cited gun violence statistics and expressed dismay that mass shootings including those in Newtown, Conn., and Aurora, Colo., haven't led to stricter laws.

Morgan blamed politicians that he said had been bullied into "cowardly" silence by a gun lobby led by the National Rifle Association.



  1. Like anyone really cares what this ignoramus has to say. It is certainly clear that CNN has to scrap from the depths of the cesspool to get employees anyway so when they fire one, they must have ratings lower than low.

  2. Byeeeeeeeeeeee u limie Prick go tell the Queen how to spend her $$$.

  3. Glad he lost his job. However, I will still not watch CNN because they are liberal democrats and kiss Obama's butt.

  4. think he's about 225 years late for that one!
    even the UK folks can't stand this idiot. he's only looking to keep his paycheck rolling in so anything that is controversial works for him. Hope the door don't hit him on the ass on his way out of our country!

  5. I respect his commitment to the issue he was passionate about

    1. And I bet you have an Obama bumper sticker.

  6. 6:46 do you respect your second amendment?

  7. Cheerio old chap!

  8. 6:46
    that's so noble of you. You respect him for his passion?
    hitler was passionate too, did you respect him?
    Morgan deserves absolutely no respect, he deserves to be put in irons and shipped back to where he came from.
    i'd say he's a traitor, but thank God he's not an American.

  9. piers, go into the sunset. we don't like your controls...it goes against our constitution...

  10. What a loser (and 6:46).

  11. 6:46 must be a stupid liberal !

  12. Kiss my limey arse morgan

  13. Morgan needs an ounce of lead right between the eyes.

  14. Anonymous said...
    I respect his commitment to the issue he was passionate about

    March 29, 2014 at 6:46 PM

    I hope you get robbed and beaten because you don't respect your second amendment rights.

    Please post your name and address so we can tell the criminals where you live.

  15. 6:46 Obviously you are not an American. Perhaps you are one of those who O'Malley passed the bathroom law for!

  16. I am BRITISH and we hate the asswipe too.


  17. How can anyone see 70 people get shot in a movie theatre and 20 first graders slaughtered in a schoolroom and not agree that gun control is needed? Not talking about overturning the second amendment. Talking about gun control. Big difference.

    1. And what defense do any of us have if we are stuck in a gun free zone? be honest with yourself when the police came in to so called rescue people what were they carrying ?

  18. 8:39
    Is anyone that has an opposing view from yours an anti-american/gay/transgender? Are you that dim witted to not be able to respected the views of others? This country was founded on the very premise that everyone is entitled to have their own beliefs and even to be able to voice them without repercussion (1st. Amendment). You are a prime example of why the eastern shore is ridiculed and has no chance of enticing businesses or people with an education to invest in the area. SAy hello to more Dunkin Donuts, Walgreens, Goose Creeks and Wawas.

  19. 9:10 and 9:12
    how can anyone see 70 people get shot in a movie theater and 20 first graders slaughtered in a school room and think that by passing more gun laws against honest, LAW ABIDING CITIZENS, somehow bad people intent on COMMITTING MURDER!! will be deterred?

    You are the epitome of what's wrong with this country. I loathe you and your ilk and wish to God almighty you all move to England with Morgan to live out your utopian fantasies with that loser.

    It is so unfortunate that fools like you are allowed to vote.

    Please choke yourself with that obama poster you have on your bedroom ceiling.

  20. 9:10:
    Two cities in America - Detroit and Washington D.C - have the strictest gun laws in the country.
    They also have the highest gun-related crime rates.
    The real answer is what New York City did: Two-year mandatory sentence - no parole - for having a concealed weapon.

  21. 9:10pm you are as much of a stupid ass as Morgan. NO amount of gun control or law will stop an individual hell bent on doing harm to another person.Gun control has never worked and never will as long as we don't have people control and we will never have people control until every person is a zombie controlled by a supreme leader or device that limits thought and actions. I for one don't need someone else thinking for me so therefore I will retain my guns for my own defense. You however my give up your guns and rely on the government to protect you and your family but please don't cry when the Government can't get to you in time to stop a rape of your wife,daughter or son or worse yet a murder of a loved one! Piers Morgan needs to be shipped back to the country he came from and you can go with him if you don't believe in the second amendment which is one of the principles this country was founded on. The real problem here is you don't believe in the rights of another individual because if you did the statement you made would be much different. I for one am a gun owner and see that statistics show automobiles kill far more people a day than guns and can reasonably say that automobiles should be outlawed immediately so we can save lives.In this line of thinking I am quite shore you would disagree with me so with that said you are an idiot just like your friend Piers A--hole Morgan. This debate is ALL ABOUT TAKING AWAY THE SECOND AMENDMENT and has nothing to do with gun control. We have plenty of laws on the books to control guns but our judicial system keeps putting criminals on the streets with something called plea deals or pleading to a lesser charge instead of doing the right thing and carrying out the current laws already in place. The thing that is so amazing is that dumb a--es like Morgan and the like want to make everyone believe the gun does the shooting when in all actuality it takes a person to pull the trigger! Truth be know if it's not a gun then next it's a bomb and they are already against the law what then?

  22. 10:40
    Just so you know, I am 9:12, a republican, gun owner and business owner. I did not say anything about passing gun control laws and in fact made my domicile in a state that allows CCW without the necessity to prove a need as in MD. Thanks for validating my posting. I may not agree with democrats or other people with different views than mine, but I respect their right to have their opinion and do not belittle them as you do. You deserve to spend the rest of you life wallowing in what is left of the eastern shore.

  23. Anonymous said...

    How can anyone see 70 people get shot in a movie theatre and 20 first graders slaughtered in a schoolroom and not agree that gun control is needed? Not talking about overturning the second amendment. Talking about gun control. Big difference.

    March 29, 2014 at 9:10 PM

    There are already gun laws on the book for gun control.

    Do you actually think those events occurred? Did you actually "see" those 90 people get "slaughtered?" I wasn't there, but some groups say it was a set up for gun control.

    If you don't want to own a gun that is perfectly ok as I know your neighbors will let the criminals know your house is the better house to break in. That way you can get beaten, raped and have all your worldly possessions easily stolen from you since you are such a puss.

  24. Anonymous said...
    Is anyone that has an opposing view from yours an anti-american/gay/transgender? Are you that dim witted to not be able to respected the views of others? This country was founded on the very premise that everyone is entitled to have their own beliefs and even to be able to voice them without repercussion (1st. Amendment). You are a prime example of why the eastern shore is ridiculed and has no chance of enticing businesses or people with an education to invest in the area. SAy hello to more Dunkin Donuts, Walgreens, Goose Creeks and Wawas.

    March 29, 2014 at 9:12 PM

    8:39 is not the reason you Homo's say why only Duncan Donuts and Wawa's are the only stores coming to the area. You have the Red Light District that the Homo Mare shops at and pretends he didn't want them in the area.

  25. Anonymous said...

    How can anyone see 70 people get shot in a movie theatre and 20 first graders slaughtered in a schoolroom and not agree that gun control is needed? Not talking about overturning the second amendment. Talking about gun control. Big difference.

    March 29, 2014 at 9:10 PM

    You are an idiot.

  26. "Anonymous said...

    How can anyone see 70 people get shot in a movie theatre and 20 first graders slaughtered in a schoolroom and not agree that gun control is needed? Not talking about overturning the second amendment. Talking about gun control. Big difference.

    March 29, 2014 at 9:10 PM"

    I can very easily say it's not gun control that is needed and you know why? It's because I am a smart person who can see what really causes the problems and unlike a lot of people I have high standards which includes not just putting a Band Aid on a problem but getting to it at it's root and cause.
    It's the public education system and it's liberalism. It's a system where children are socially engineered so they become (or an attempt to make them) all think and act alike. And when they don't they are drugged into submission. These drugs turn them into a nonfeeling noncaring zombie. The drugs on top of being told over and over that something is wrong with them gives them induced psychosis which then makes them turn into violent people.

  27. 910, I agree with you; everyone needs to be in control of their own gun at all times! Use both hands for better control.

  28. For any meaningful change to occur with these mass shooting everyone needs to get off the gun control bandwagon. It's time for people to wise up and stop being fooled by the liberals. To a reasonable person it is mindboggling how people can follow along so blindly and blame guns when common sense dictates otherwise.
    These mass shootings are a relatively new phenomenon. No one can deny it. Generations ago, guns were more prevalent and easier to get than they have been for decades now--- just when we stated hearing of these mass shootings. No one can deny this either. Up until the 1970's it wasn't uncommon (rural areas) for boys to take shotguns to school with them, leaving them in their vehicles because they went hunting before school. No one took the shotgun in school and killed.
    It's not guns. You people who think so need to start using your heads. What it is-is the breakdown of a real family which is a female mother and a male father, both positive role models who are regularly in a child's life and teaching them morals and civil behavior. Anyone who refused to admit this is themselves responsible for all the mass shootings. Politicians refuse to admit this, because they don't want to "offend" anyone. They are spineless and themselves were raised by derelict parents without morals and honesty.

  29. Free country,free speech.He was entitled to his opinion.

  30. 1:18

    10:40 back at you.

    you profess to respect everybody's right to say what they believe, but only if YOU approve.

    you are a hypocrite, plain and simple.

    and i'm glad you chose to live somewhere else.

    because you have even less credibility to come on here and critique we brave souls who've stayed to fight those very gun laws you chose to run from.

    and if the eastern shore sucks so badly, tell us again why you can't seem to stop coming here.

    actually, scratch that...nothing you say even matters.

  31. It's interesting to see how violent and unreasonable some people get when presented with a different opinion or viewpoint. Rather than considering it, they call the other person an idiot, etc

    Has anyone considered that a gun owner may also support gun control? I don't think its as black and white as some apparently believe.

  32. Again proving my earlier post, 3:47 assumes because a person has a domicile in a state other than MD that they cannot also reside in MD. Maybe 3:47 does not know the meaning of domicile. As for fighting for your gun rights in MD, you lost. There are so many people posting on the site that use ad hominem attacks rather than addressing the issue being discussed. The point I am making is that I am willing to listen to another's point of view regardless of whether they are a democrat, gay, another race or religion. I may or may not agree with their position but I respect their right to said opinion and do not label them as a communist, idiot, faggot, etc. as many choose to do here.


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