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Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Owner of S.C. Pub Insults Gun Owners Across America With This Outrageous Sign

“NO CONCEALED WEAPONS ALLOWED. If you are such a loser that you feel a need to carry a gun with you when you go out, I do not want your business. Douchebag.”

That’s the message Backstreets Pub & Deli recently sent to gun owners with a sign posted in its store window. The backlash against the establishment, located in Clemson, S.C., was swift after the conservative website Twitchy posted several photos of the sign from Twitter.

The Washington Times reports that the pub has a one-star rating out of five on Yelp.com, “with pages upon pages of negative comments and reviews by Second Amendment supporters.”



  1. Another dumb Democrat in business just shot himself in the foot.

  2. That's a democrat for you. Too GD dumb to know that for the most part the anti gun crowd are nothing but a bunch of peons without a pot to take a leak in. I hope Michelle Malkin and her Twitchy site keep tabs on this business so we call all laugh when it shuts down. I personally am happy to see signs like this. I do not want to spend a cent with someone who doesn't think the way I do. I think homosexuals are simpletons for crying all the anti discrimination BS. Anyone in their right mind would want to know how people think because the best way to get them is through their wallets. These homosexuals are mixed up in more ways than one.

  3. Marketing 101 - insult a segment of the population so they never spend money at your place of business. Genius, Sheer Genius...

  4. Why do you want people to have a concealed weapon in a BAR. Defines stupid.

  5. So its not ok to discrimnate against gays? but ok to discriminate against law abiding gun owners.???..maybe he will get robbed since he advertisers come on in im defenseless!!

  6. Apparently the owner of the establishment has a concealed permit but doesn't want anyone in his building to have one. Typical liberal dumbass Democrat. Now, without any customers, he will have to find a new line of work. People of Clemson, shut him down!

  7. Lets hope his wife and daughter get beaten and raped in front of him; while he begs for his life and wishes someone with a gun would come to his and his families rescue!

  8. There was a post on here recently about a business owner having the right to not provide services to gay couples and a majority of responses supported that right. This business owner has the same right to decide who he serves. What is good for goose, is good for the gander.


  9. Candidate for 'Darwin Award - Small Business Success Category'

  10. Just another frustrated liberal pansy with his thong in a wad...
    He'll be on welfare and foodstamps soon enough.

  11. SC CCW law states a business can post a sign if he doesn't want gun toters in his business

  12. It is called CONCEALED carry for a reason.


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