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Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Obamacare to Register up to 4 Million New Voters in California

Covered California, the Golden State's troubled Obamacare exchange, will mail 4 million voter registration cards to residents who have enrolled in health insurance plans (largely Medicaid), the San Francisco Chronicle reports. The state Obamacare exchange was not initially registering voters, but took steps to do so after facing lawsuits from the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), the League of Women Voters, and others.

Voter integrity activists have previously raised objections to the use of Obamacare to register voters. The White House has defended the practice on the grounds that the 1993 National Voter Registration Act requires states to offer people the opportunity to register to vote when applying for public services. It is not clear whether the Obamacare exchanges, which are meant to facilitate private insurance transactions, qualify under the law.



  1. Ladies and gents, we now live in a Socialistic Country. The people that we elected on a local and State level have thrown us under the bus. If, in November we don't make some serious changes, we are done.

  2. What's wrong with registering voters?

  3. 5:54 Nothing is wrong with registering voters. Problem is, illegal immigrants are allowed to sign up for Obamacare, so now we have people who are not even citizens voting for Democrats, along with dead people and those that vote 5 times.

  4. I guess 4 million illegals crossed over to vote for odumbass.


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