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Thursday, March 27, 2014

Minimum Wage Hike Could Be Spread Over 5 Years, Tied To Raise For Disability Workers

In a compromise that could possibly move a stalled minimum wage hike out of committee, Senate Finance Chair Thomas Mac Middleton said he has been working on a potential agreement with the governor to raise the minimum wage to $10.10 over the next five years instead of three. This would also make it easier for the state to increase compensation for disability workers above the new minimum.

Middleton has been holding the House’s version of a minimum wage increase, HB295, back from a vote until he could pass his bill, SB890, to raise the pay for support staff for persons with developmentally disabilities to 50% above the minimum.

The Maryland Association of Community Services have been advocating for increasing their workers’ pay to 50% above the minimum wage, as called for in Middleton’s bill, but there are indications they might willing to settle for 35% above the new minimum wage.



  1. So what they are saying is people making minimum wage and those who are disabled are the only ones worthy of getting a raise!

  2. How about lowering the retirement age???


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