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Monday, March 17, 2014

Mayo Clinic Psychometric Test

See if you can solve this one. Facial expression interpretations are an important part of the respected Mayo Clinic Psychometric Test.
In the following pictures you see women with a range of facial expressions.

Study the expressions, and try to imagine what single act each is experiencing.
Don't cheat......guess first then scroll down to find out the answer.

 They are all about to sneeze!

And by the way......


  1. They all just weighed themselves.

  2. A sneeze is 1/8th of an orgasm. Everyone knows that...

  3. I just found a new fetish. THANKS JOE!!!

  4. They looked a whole lot more involved in something more enjoyable than just a sneeze!

  5. watchin hillary and obama at the DNC

  6. I was thinking they were farting,but sneezing sounds better.

  7. Some maybe about to sneeze, but you need help because your watching and waiting to take pics of ppl in bed about to sneeze...

    Clearly half of these women are not sneezing or about to... I don't know of anyone, and I MEAN ANYONE who smiles before they sneeze or smile while sneezing... Not to mention lean their head back as if they are having sex to sneeze...


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