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Monday, March 31, 2014

Matt Holloway – Can you say RINO?

It’s really not surprising that Norman Conway and Jim Mathias have no qualms about giving state “grants” to private groups like of the Willards Lions Club – after all, its members are potential voters and those two are Democrats. But it was a real shock that Matt Holloway, who claims to be a conservative Republican, told the audience at the candidate forum this week, held at the Chipman Center, that he would support funding for that organization by Wicomico County. Anything for a few votes even if it takes more public funds - that’s what Democrats do.

It’s too bad that he can’t switch his affiliation and run this time as a Democrat, along with a Laura Mitchell, for the two at-large seats on the County Council.

Let’s hope that in the primary the Republican voters choose John Cannon and Muir Boda for those seats. With John Hall unopposed, there will be at least one RINO on the Wicomico County Council after the general election this fall, and that’s one too many.


  1. What can you say, the guy has done his own self in. Once he got under that glass dome he couldn't see outside anymore.

  2. He really is a weak candidate. I have always thought this and soon we will see.

  3. I can say RINO - RINO, RINO, RINO that would be you Matt Holloway.

  4. John Hall is only in it for the money.


  5. Boda has run for a variety of offices. I found his previous positions on his earlier website to be unsettling; don't have it available to be more specific.

    He concerns me.

    Matt Holloway has turned into a disappointment.

  6. You're screwed Wicomico.

    RINO Cannon
    Flip-flop Boda
    Manipulating Mitchell
    Friend of Mitchell Hastings

    Not a single watchdog in the bunch and just the opposite.

  7. He has a hidden agenda

  8. That hidden agenda by Matt H. is getting paid for a preservation easement on his farm -- big bucks from the State. But first the Council has to do what the state (and Pollitt) want to change zoning to stop development except in the "Metro Core" of Wicomico County.

  9. Actually none of the at-large candidates said "No" about giving money -- County funds -- to the Chipman Center. The others hemmed and hawed at the NAACP forum last week. Disgusting!

  10. matt is a 30 year old punk kid who thinks he knows it all when the truth is he don't know jack sh!t!
    Time for this rino to go!

  11. 1:21 --

    He will also support the rain tax that the state wants -- Matt H. will do whatever he thinks will get him a payday from the State for that easement.

  12. Matt Holloway is nothing more than Rick Pollitt's yes boy. He claims he is for the farmer, he is for one farmer. HIS SELF

  13. Matt Holloway for County Exec 2016!

  14. Anonymous said...
    Matt Holloway for County Exec 2016!

    March 31, 2014 at 3:57 PM

    Um there won't be a county election in 2016. Some people are just plain stupid.


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