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Thursday, March 13, 2014

Lincoln And The Gettysburg Gospel

It has been called "the Gettysburg Gospel" because Abraham Lincoln's 271-word speech in 1863 is a key document in the creation of "civil religion" in America. Ronald Beiner, a professor of political science at the University of Toronto, defined "civil religion" as "the appropriation of religion by politics for its purposes." It occurs when a state uses religious concepts, rhetoric, rituals and symbolism to champion nationalism and other values it wishes to embed. The values then rise to the status of sacred doctrine and questioning them becomes blasphemy.

The Gettysburg Address is rife with biblical-style language and sentiment. In his 2009 book, Lincoln's Gettysburg Address: Echoes of the Bible and Book of Common Prayer, A.E. Elmore persuasively argues that Lincoln consciously drew upon both the Bible and the Episcopal Book of Common Prayer. For example, the address opens with the words "Four score and seven years ago"; this echoes Psalm 90:10, which states the lifespan of human beings as "threescore years and ten." The address closes with the words "government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth." John 3:16 states that "who so ever believeth in him [Christ] shall not perish but have everlasting life." What "shall not perish" is "this nation, under God"which substitutes for Christ. Lincoln stated that the nation would continue because "the brave men, living and dead, who struggled here, have consecrated it." And from the "honored dead," Lincoln called for the living to "take increased devotion to that cause for which they gave the last full measure of devotion."



  1. Yes, more of the same BS about Slavery! Lincoln did the Emancipation to keep Europe out of the war, and to deprive the south of free labor. Why didn't he do it after Bull Run, because he knew full well how unpopular freeing slaves at the cost of thousands of good white soldiers would not be very popular! It is hardly ever mentioned the hundreds of letters of resignation Lincoln received from Union Officers after he issued the Emancipation, even Grant wrote one! Lincoln had to assure and promise congress, senators, supporters, and his officers, that he was going to ship the freed blacks to Liberia or back to Africa! The only reason this plan was not followed after the war or Lincolns killing. was to punish the south! Some legislators even pushed for giving freed blacks plantation owners property, under the "20 Acres and a Mule" bill.
    No one wants to really read history, but Lincoln was a Raciest and was not found of the black race, ever!

  2. WOW; another clueless, uneducated professor. why??? you ask:
    1. "Once upon a time a new country was being discovered, created, formed, established."
    2. This nation is now the United States of America.
    3. The people who were here in the beginning and could read would read the Bible for wisdom, encouragement, guidance and pleasure. They appreciated the truths in the Word of God and actually enjoyed reading its pages frequently.
    4. Stands to reason (common sense) the leaders and people of our new nation, America would use the language of the Holy Scriptures in their speech and writings.
    5. Originally our schools were established to teach our children how to read the Bible.
    At this point; all I can say to this professor is please educate yourself by searching for and reading the original documents and writings of our founding; NOT the twisted lies in the history courses of more recent years. Another suggestion is to keep your thoughts to yourself because your ignorance is showing and it isn't pretty.

  3. Actually, better to YouTube David Barton.

  4. Gerald said...
    Yes, more of the same BS about Slavery! Lincoln did the Emancipation to keep Europe out of the war, and to deprive the south of free labor. Why didn't he do it after Bull Run, because he knew full well how unpopular freeing slaves at the cost of thousands of good white soldiers would not be very popular! It is hardly ever mentioned the hundreds of letters of resignation Lincoln received from Union Officers after he issued the Emancipation, even Grant wrote one! Lincoln had to assure and promise congress, senators, supporters, and his officers, that he was going to ship the freed blacks to Liberia or back to Africa! The only reason this plan was not followed after the war or Lincolns killing. was to punish the south! Some legislators even pushed for giving freed blacks plantation owners property, under the "20 Acres and a Mule" bill.
    No one wants to really read history, but Lincoln was a Raciest and was not found of the black race, ever!

    March 13, 2014 at 6:05 PM

    Man your lack of knowledge about American history is about as horrendous as your poor grammar.

    That would be "40 acres and a mule."

    Your theory about punishing the South may be spot on but it is just that, a theory.

    God only knows how much better the U.S. would be today if those ships set sail.

    Please cite your source about all the hundreds of letters of resignation including Grant's?

    You forgot to mention the Emancipation Proclamation was only for Confederate States and not union states.


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