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Sunday, March 16, 2014


ANNAPOLIS – Dozens of uniformed law enforcement officials from around Maryland showed up at the state capital on Thursday to push back against advancing efforts by some legislators to loosen the state’s marijuana laws.

“We as legislators, we as law enforcement officers, we have a duty and a responsibility to protect our children,” Wicomico County Sheriff Mike Lewis said at a hearing before the House Judiciary Committee.

Lewis and other opponents also voiced concerns about the dangers surrounding marijuana earlier in the day during a press conference, which at one point erupted into an angry debate between one speaker, substance abuse consultant Mike Gimbel, and a handful of marijuana reform supporters who were gathered outside the committee room where the hearing was held.



  1. Mike Lewis is amazing. We are already falling behind other countries on intelligence. This is giving permission to burn our brain cells.

  2. Privately, some law enforcement would rather see the decriminalization of marijuana, which would allow them to put more resources into the more serious crimes affecting the area.

  3. Meanwhile, even Dr. Sanjay Gupta is doubling down on pot

  4. Decriminalization / legalization would then allow for less resources for enforcement - which some would use as a push for fewer LEO's...they're fighting for their jobs....

  5. Worried they won't be able to fill the corporate prisons.

  6. All you pot heads out there are crazy.

  7. Once again MD and the E shore will be behind the curve.

  8. The good ole "for the children" line. Why don't they CUT SPENDING to ensure our children even have a county/city/state/nation in the future? GTFOH with that Mike.

  9. Colorado has taken in $20 million in taxes in this quarter already! It gets taxed on each level, the grower pays taxes/also pay for a license, the retailer pays taxes/also has to pay for a license and there is a 15% sales tax at point-of-sale. The next biggest industry in Colorado now is security, to guard the valuable product and money, this industry is creating a lot of good jobs.

  10. According to CDC nearly 100 people a day die of prescription overdoses every day in the US! I don't ever recall anyone overdosing on pot. Getting the munchies or laughing uncontrollably yes! Why don't they tell the real reason why. Profits for prisons , attorneys fees, court fees and most importantly imprisoning minorities so they can be labeled felons who then can't vote! Mike needs to get a grip!

  11. Lewis is on the wrong side of history with this one. Taxes from marijuana will mean better schools and safer streets. Frankly, he's probably just upset that half his force will be out of a job if they can no longer harass college kids and black people over a few grams of a plant.

  12. This has nothing to do with protecting CHILDREN! Lewis knows that or he's a fool.
    This has everything to do with interrupting CASH flow to officers and the Dept.
    Marijuana is the police's cash cow and they don't want it taken away from them.

  13. "Opponents also argued that a change in the law might hinder the ability of officers to conduct important searches on the basis of marijuana odor."

    So this is also about having control and an arbitrary reason to conduct illegal searchers.

    Mike Lewis just lost my vote and I will certainly push this issue with any person I know that votes.

  14. Mike Lewis loves to pull someone over for a tag light out and throw them in jail when a joint is found in the glove. After talking about the "dangers of pot" he most likely had a beer with friends. Get back on the shore sir and forget about someone who wants to smoke a joint on there own property please!

  15. Look, no one is kidding anyone here.

    I had a conversation years ago with Sheriff Lewis about Press releases on these kids who were arrested for pot resedue in a pipe, yet no pot.

    They are destroying lives. Names are all over the Internet for BS charges.

    You know what Sheriff, the Public shouldn't have to WAIT every TEN years to see the Department pounding their chest because they finally did a STING on DEALERS.

    Instead we get to see little bits and pieces of these stupid arrests for MINOR infractions, lives ruined because of a minute record and the sad part is it's always about the LITTLE GUY and NOT the KING PIN!

    So, with all due respect, Kiss My A$$ when it comes to this matter.

    Pick on somebody your own size for once and show us some REAL results.


  16. Your looking at the immediate savings in Colorado, analyze the long term effect of health care, substance abuse(when pot no longer does what it was doing) and industry. It's just another path to socialism.

  17. I am a part time Colorado resident, The legalization of Pot has resulted in the increased incidents of "Driving Stoned". Police in Colorado are now being trained in handling Driving Stoned cases. Many Colorado roadways with 70 mph speed limits are two lane country roads and no shoulders. Recently in Denver, two marked lighted police cars at an accident scene were totaled by a stoned driver who said he didn't see them! Yes, the money looks good, but the consequences look bad.

  18. Colorado has traded in one issue for a dozen that has not happened yet. VERY stupid move. A visonary can see it.

  19. A visionary can see that humans have been enjoying herbs since the dawn of time, and soon it'll be legal in the rest of the country. In many areas on the East Coast, it's easier for kids to buy heroin than marijuana, and the current laws mislead kids by saying that heroin and marijuana are just as dangerous--both are classified as Schedule I substances.

  20. Do these guys know the word inevitable?

  21. In 2007 the Department of Justice reported that there were 1,841,182 drug arrests in the United States; the report also stated that there were more drug abuse arrests than any other category of offenses. Marijuana arrests accounted for 47.4% of the drug abuse arrests. This allows us to estimate that about 872,720 persons were arrested for marijuana offenses. Eighty-nine percent of these arrests were for possession. The 2007 arrest data is even worse than 2006 when 829,627 people were arrested for marijuana.

    Now here's what's really going hurt. Sence 1971(start of war on drugs) our government has spent over a trillion dollars that's right 1,000,000,000,000 dollars. What do we have to show for it ? The arrest of a handful of drug cartel leaders and roughly 800,000 Americans arrested a year for simple possession charges.
    Its simple people if you legalize Mike would no longer get a piece of the pie (1,000,000,000,000)

    So is this money well spent? I think not.

  22. Medically speaking marijuana is good for your vision. This is all about Lewis wanting to pad his public perception as being tough on drugs. He is on a crusade to "save the children". If you take out the petty possesion charges, this mental and physical midget is a pathetic coward. Heroin and opiod use in Wicomico County is out of control. He does'nt have the stones to be tough on crime. Just a bottom feeder. Busting users and not sellers is the easy way out. He has spent more time lobbying for his pay raise than actually solving any crime.

  23. It's anything but about the CHILDREN!! So freakin' tired of hearing this on so many levels. It's all about the money & keeping the prisons full for BS offenses. Not to mention the officers might have to actually do their jobs, instead of the ubiquitous "I smell marijuana" excuse to search a vehicle. Just happened to a friend who doesn't even smoke, but they were bound & determined that he must be guilty of something. Some of us who went to school with Mike Lewis knew him as a bully & the go-to for drugs, so he can take his sanctimonious BS & shove it!!

  24. Of course they would. It's soooo much easier and profitable to bust the college kid with a joint than it is to go after big time distributors and cartels shipping hard drugs into the state/country.

  25. Just so all you weed smokers know weed money dried up years ago for cops. There is no monies out there for weed enforcement. It is herion and pills now. Funny how many pill heads smoked weed. Most of them. Weed is a gateway drug.

    Just like booze was made legal llok at all the homeless whinos. Look at Amsterdam. The herion epidemic is breaking the liberal system with deaths and o.d.s.

    I guess we should just say do what the hell you want to. Them we could have human waste trucks that pick up the dead bodies. Maybe a purge week where we kill all those who have to smoke weed and drink to deal with"YOUR" freaked up world. lol

    Go sit on the couch and smoke a joint and bad mouth the govt. lol

  26. Acetaminophen (Tylenol) has been an over the counter drug for decades and has killed far more people than marijuana, there has NEVER been a documented case of a death due to an overdose of marijuana. I've had several different people tell me that Mike used to smoke weed with the best of them back in the day. So you should be a felon with a record by your own logic Mike. Hypocrisy is what that is called.

  27. Look at Mike Lewis the whore! Yup, he is a big Media Whore, sticking his ugly face out there to garner support for his run as Governor of Maryland, after his Communist buddy O'Malley runs for President!

  28. I think Mike has gotten to big for his britches. He's playing politician instead of focusing on his job. Time to go.

  29. Hey 3:18 you don't like it then don't do it. But how about leaving the rest of us make up our own minds?
    Your all for freedom and complain about the nanny state. Why do you need to control others?

  30. Truth 3:18. I've seen it time and time again.

  31. Mike's goal is to be the next Sheriff Joe.

  32. Cool Dude, let's party and get nakedMarch 16, 2014 at 5:16 PM

    WOW, party tonight at the Transgender Center at Salisbury University...

  33. He's untouchable, but not to the voters.


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