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Friday, March 07, 2014

L.A. City Council Votes To Ban Use Of E-Cigarettes In Public Places

Those on the left and right coasts might quibble over who has it better — 75 degrees and sunny all the time or not freaking out when it rains? — but there’s at least one thing Los Angeles and New York City have in common: You won’t be able to suck on an electronic cigarette in public in either place very soon.

L.A.’s City Council voted yesterday to ban the use of e-cigarettes, or “vaping” in public places like restaurants, bars, nightclubs and elsewhere, after mulling over the idea since last year. NYC passed a similar measure in December. E-cigs are also restricted in Chicago and Boston.

It’s now up to Mayor Eric Garcetti to sign the measure into law, which a spokesman confirmed to Reuters that he would do in the next few days.



  1. Hope he signs it - too many of these things smell just like real cigarettes.....

  2. And yet you can smoke pot on the street corner. Makes no sense.

  3. I smoke an e-cig, I do not feel that they should be used in public places for lack of long term studies on the effects of vapors. It is my decision to smoke one, just as it would be if I smoked tobacco, I should not force that on anyone else!

  4. I love it u idiot californians voted for these RADICAL FOOLS u deal with it .....tick tock.

  5. I hope they outlaw being a fat a$$. I'm sick at having to look at thunder thighs in tights, double and triple chins, big fat bellies and scotters for people who are to fat to walk. Let's start by outlawing all drive-up windows, then you'll have to walk in to get your triple cheeseburger. Look it always starts by regulating the small stuff. It's only a matter of time before Obama tells you how much you are going to weigh. If you don't like the smell move downwind.

  6. I've noticed employees smoking them at the registers in the mall.


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