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Thursday, March 13, 2014

Integrating Female Marines Into Combat Roles

The Marine Corps solicits volunteers to test ways of integrating female Marines into combat roles. The human research experiment will involve 460 Marines stationed at Camp Lejeune, N.C. A quarter of them will be women. Over the course of a year, they'll train for combat and mountain warfighting in simulated battle environments. Brig. Gen. George Smith says the Corps needs to test female performance beyond entry-level tasks. The Pentagon has ordered services to let women serve in combat by 2016.


  1. If the women can pass the same test as the men, they should be allowed to do the same jobs!

    If the Corps has to change the test to get the women to pass - that's wrong!

    Retired Marine!

  2. The ONLY "Retired Marine" is a dead Marine. That being said, you are full of crap.

  3. More political correctness, what a bunch of crap.The stupid liberals wont be satisfied until they have destroyed every patriotic tradition and instituon in america.


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