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Tuesday, March 11, 2014

House Republicans Release Scathing Report on Lois Lerner: Could Contempt Charges Follow?

House Republicans released a scathing 144-page report Tuesday detailing Lois Lerner’s involvement in the IRS’ targeting of conservative groups, the latest development in what could perhaps lead to contempt charges.

The report, which was released without Democrats signing off on it, states Lerner “created unprecedented roadblocks for Tea Party organizations” and “worked surreptitiously to advance new Obama administration regulations that curtail the activities of existing 501(c)(4) organizations.”

Lerner, the former head of the agency’s tax exemption unit, apologized last year for the IRS’ inappropriate targeting of conservative groups applying for tax-exempt status. She later invoked her Fifth Amendment right against self-incrimination, resigned from the agency and has since refused to answer any questions about her possible involvement in the targeting.



  1. Obama will make her Disappear

  2. You're right about that...they should cut off her pension...she would rat them all out...

  3. I agree with 7:50. Lois is in a tight spot. If I was her, I would be very concerned. You never know when you might have an accident or die of natural causes.

  4. You better charge her! If not, she's retiring soon and I really don't get this one, but she will be immune then?????

  5. Going to FOX? I hope so, or a similar one...

  6. She needs to go to prison...but she will probably get a job as an ambassador from out socialist leader...

  7. Contempt for envoking her constitutional rights? Only in America.

  8. 9:40 Go back and read the article.. slowly this time.

  9. Would not be surprised if she "disappeared". Witnesses against govt mismanagement seem to have a habit of "permanent' inability to testify. It's called Chicago Politics.

  10. Obama Crooked BastardoMarch 12, 2014 at 6:39 PM

    2:05 Agreed. Those Socialist "Leaders" in D.C. can't stand the possibility about their fellow "democ-rat" spilling beans over their crooked and corrupt politics. Sometimes they even throw the hissy fit like Elijah "I'm a member of U.S. Congress" Cummins. Aaand, so what? Law doesn't apply to you? What a "great democratic representative" from "democratic state of Maryland", Time to THROW THESE CROOKS IN HOT WATER AND TURN UP THE HEAT.


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