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Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Homeland Security Pre-Staging A Domestic Military Force

During the Iraq and Afghanistan Wars, the U.S. Army built 28,000 MRAPs (Mine-Resistant Ambush-Protected Trucks). Now the U.S. Army has announced that it is giving 13,000 of them away, for free. Who’s receiving the trucks? Homeland Security and U.S. Law Enforcement.

Instead of mothballing these MRAPs, Homeland Security is evidently pre-staging a domestic army of militarized agencies, police and law enforcement.

While Police and agencies say that all this military equipment from DHS grants will only be used against crime, the trust in many American alphabet agencies has been broken – now that we know some of the extent at which they are using technology to monitor and probe its own citizenry. DHS and many others, they’re stockpiling.

What we have here is a paranoid government, and one which is apparently and evidently ramping up for something…



  1. Really? To fight "crime"?? Seriously??
    How many calls do police get where they need to call in the "Mine Resistant, Ambush protected" trucks? More than 13,000 times in different places across our nation?
    The sheep are nodding in agreement. The rest of us are wondering how long it will take them to mount a .50 cal on it and roll it into our neighborhood with a loudspeaker and a contingent of cop/army guys yelling "you are being relocated!!"
    Think it can't happen? Neither did 10 million Jews and hundreds of NATIONS (who watched it happen and don't think it can again......). There ya go, then...it could NEVER happen here. It just seems like they (our "leaders") sure have been spending a WHOLE LOT of time and money getting ready for something no one thinks can (or WILL) happen. At least, none of the sheep think so....our "leaders", the ones with real inside knowledge,, on the other hand.....

  2. Exactly Imclain but the guys yelling will be saying this:
    "сдаться оружие Вы переселяют!"

    Yes, this Government is out of control with paranoia and sycophant scenario's.
    Democrat/Socialists seem to be bent on creating the Mad Max theme a reality so they can justify the overreaching and excessive domestic military build up.
    NO ONE in Government can be trusted.
    Not police or sheriffs deputies, not EPA, DHS, TSA, NSA, CIA, FBI, bla bla bla ad nausium.
    Obama has turned America into a Government for the Government by the Government and people have been dismissed.


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