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Monday, March 10, 2014

Historic: 1st State Adopts Plan To Rein In Feds

Georgia legislature: 'Enough is enough,' calls for restraints on Washington

The plan to put the brakes on Washington’s expansion of the federal government is under way.

Convention of States confirmed that the Georgia legislature on Thursday passed the organization’s application “to limit the power and jurisdiction of the federal government.”

State Sen. Cecil Staton, R-Macon, told the organization he is “pleased that the Georgia legislature has given voice to the frustrations of millions of Georgians.”

“Enough is enough. It is time to impose fiscal and other restraints on our runaway federal government. We urge other states to join us,” said Macon, the primary sponsor of the resolution.

“We Georgians have become the hope of the nation today,” said Jacqueline Peterson, the Georgia state director for the Convention of States Project. “Many thanks to our state legislators for standing for liberty. May God bless us, every single one!”



  1. It would not surprise me to hear of certain Georgia politicians committing "suicide" by a shotgun blast in the back. Chicago politics.

  2. This is our only hope, let's hope other states get on board and pass this.

  3. 10:02. Chicago politics?? lol

    It's more to the point that Georgians are tired of being taxed to death and the tyranny of the federal government has caused them to exercise full state rights.

    Chicago politics is just dictators with one party rule.

    NOT what you have in Georgia.

  4. So the Georgia borders keep Chicago politics out of the state and only in the Federal government and Wall Street?? How is this so?


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