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Wednesday, March 19, 2014

High school senior jailed, kicked out of school and may lose Army dream because of pocket knife in car

An Ohio high school student has already been jailed and kicked out of school for having a pocket knife in his car, and now he fears he could lose his dream of serving in the Army.

Jordan Wiser, a student at Ashtabula County Technical School in Jefferson, is finishing up his senior year from home after school officials searched his car in December and found the folding knife and an Airsoft gun. School officials called police, who charged him with illegal conveyance of a weapon onto a school ground based on the three-inch knife.

“I declined to allow them to search myself or my car and that I wanted to talk to my lawyer or my father,” Wiser told FoxNews.com. “They told me it wasn’t an option.”



  1. 8:41 Keep drinking the Kool-Aid for more hope and change

  2. "Zero tolerance" is lazy and piss poor leadership.

    Anyone who thinks Justice would be served by ruining a kids life is blind and shortsighted.

  3. Keep cheering. You're next.

  4. So much for being an always prepared Eagle Scout!

  5. No ones life has been ruined.Jordan has gotten his 15 minutes and his future made.Don't fool yourself into thinking a grave injustice has taken place because he got precisely what he was after.I just wish I had been more devicive and scheming when I was young.In 10 years Jordan will be much better off than if this had never happened.Mark my words.

  6. This is not over yet you left WACK JOBSMarch 19, 2014 at 2:24 PM

    He is entitled to DUE process in accordance to our Constitution...

  7. 8:41 rules are rules yet laws mean nothing to Progressives unless they are used exclusively against those they disagree with.. I suggest that you read the article in the New Republic about the Union Pub owned by the head of the Philadelphia Electricians Union --Joe if you haven't read it you need to read it too

  8. was this the guy with a Knife in his tackle box?..

    10:09 perhaps you need to read about the drills the Fed runs in random schools.. how the Students are loaded on buses and taken someplace their parents have no clue to where they are. I want to know where my Children are at all times and not on the roads and certainly not in the hands of Progress loons who think they can make up the rules on the fly-- his Car is his private possession and they need a warrant to search it--regardless of Columbine or the Sandy Hook charade


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