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Monday, March 03, 2014

Governor O'Malley Sent Out This Tweet Tonight

Martin O'Malley ‏@GovernorOMalley

By a 13-8 margin, Maryland's House Economic Matters Committee voted to #RaiseTheWage to $10.10/hr. Next stop is a vote before the full House

1 comment:

  1. are you all ready to lose your jobs now?

    Along with the ACA this will drive small businesses out of business and you will lose your insurance if you have it and your job...

    Oh and guess what, once you lose your job and can't afford the 1% tax on your income for the ACA (how can you pay with no job or money?) what do you think the govt will do then? Say bye bye you will go to jail if you don't have a house or any money for them to take...

    OH but you wanted to cover a few million uninsured right? was it all worth it NOW???


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