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Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Good Bye New York....Hello Alabama

Gov. Andrew Cuomo (D-NY) Doesn't Want Them
Remington, one of the world’s largest gun manufacturers, will on Monday join Gov. Robert Bentley (R) to announce they are bringing over 2,000 jobs to Alabama.

Most of the jobs will be relocated from their Ilion, NY plant, and the initial investment in Alabama will be $87 million.


  1. Several times I have posted. Once I have been allowed past your screening. I am a Wicomico county resident born in Salisbury with Mediacom as a service provider. Truthfully I wonder if my posts are rejected because of my apparent location or they do not meet your agenda? A response from you Joey would be much appreciated.

  2. Congratulations Alabama. Those Red States are going to blow the Blue ones right off the map.

    Sadly, I live in Maryland and that makes me blue. I have too much at stake here to leave though but I envy those who are able to leave.

  3. 3:36 I feel your pain I am business owner,I am planning on moving myself and business to another State its just going to take a little more time Maryland has nothing to offer for business or the normal homeowner.
    The Liberals have turn Maryland into a welfare State with Governor O"Dumbass as their leader.

  4. I think we will see more and more of this the liberals(progressives) just dont get it.They are going to get exactly what they deserve and I sure hope I am around to see it.

  5. Good for Alabama. If the stupid state of Maryland had not passed the restrictive gun laws, they may have relocated here. You people had enough of Democrats yet?

  6. Just wondering what tax breaks Alabama had to give them to move.

  7. Democrats are communist.they foster nothing but federally funded jobs...and programs...no free enterprise..if you pratice captialism in such a state you pay dearly.....

  8. Anonymous said...
    Just wondering what tax breaks Alabama had to give them to move.

    March 12, 2014 at 5:45 PM

    Why does there always have to be a tax break? Is that all you liberals know?

  9. 5:45. Doesnt matter. They could exempt them from taxes and still come out ahed. The reason is that employees will pay taxes, people will be working, support business will spring up and everyone wins. Capitalism, not govt control.

  10. The tax break is that there aren't 40 hikes every 6 years or so. A steady rate over time builds stability. Something a company needs when investing for a future 20+ years.


  11. Take a close look at the sign pictured...almost two centuries in business...and they've chosen to relocate because of the nutjobs 'governing' NY & NYC.

    We have the same brand of idiots esconced in Annapolis.

  12. Is that all you liberals know?

    March 12, 2014 at 6:53 PM

    Which label are you?

  13. I am moving myself and my business next month to Virginia, Maryland has gotten out of control.


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