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Thursday, March 13, 2014

Freescale Loss In Malaysia Tragedy Leads To Travel Policy Questions

SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - The loss of 20 key Freescale Semiconductor (FSL.N) employees in the disappearance of a Malaysian airliner on Saturday raises questions about whether the company should have allowed so many of them to board the same plane, but security experts said that at big corporations it's hard to avoid.

The disappearance of Malaysia Airlines' (MASM.KL) Flight MH370 about an hour into its journey to Beijing remained a mystery on Monday as a search orchestrated by 10 countries failed to find traces of the plane or the 239 people on board.

It was a blow to Austin, Texas-based Freescale. The vanished employees were engineers or specialists involved in projects to streamline and cut costs at key manufacturing facilities in China and Malaysia.

Many large companies have policies to prevent chief executives, chief financial officers and other senior executives from flying together to minimize disruption in case of a fatal crash, but few firms extend strict policies much further down the ladder.



  1. I feel bad for the families, not knowing a thing. Malaysian authorities, and their news agency, are equal to riding in a clown car. It's atrocious how they are handling this disaster.

  2. There's nothing that they can do that will improve this situation.


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