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Saturday, March 01, 2014

Flashback: Candidate Mitt Romney ridiculed for ‘Cold War thinking’

Sarah Palin wasn’t the only one to foresee the events now unfolding in Ukraine. Quite a few remember the third presidential debate in October 2012, during which Mitt Romney was ridiculed for his “stuck in the 1980s” foreign policy.


  1. Hey clowns. This is NOT the cold war. Russia has reacted to a situation in its backyard. Most americans don't give a darn what happens over there. But the right wing media will play this up all for political gain.

  2. Correct 7:37,and there does not appear to be any gain in this for the US.And why shouldn't we have a what's good for us mentality? Every other country does and they aren't tripping over themselves to help anyone.No one expects anything from them because of that mentality.Our own issues are insurmountable.We need to worry about us.


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