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Thursday, March 27, 2014

“Delegate McDermott Votes Against O’Malley’s Budget”

ANNAPOLIS – Delegate Michael McDermott (Wicomico & Worcester Counties) voted yesterday against Governor Martin O’Malley’s $39 billion budget (Senate Bill 170). The budget, which includes a $1.5 billion increase in state spending over last year’s budget, passed through the House of Delegates without any amendments that would decrease the spending.

The budget includes over $72 million in funding for Obamacare in Maryland, including the State’s failed healthcare exchange. In addition, this budget takes $400 million from the state employee pension system over the next two years, $700 million in future years, and continues to cut local highway funding while fully funding all mass transit projects..

“This budget continues to steal highway user revenue from our county and city governments, which for decades was always a dedicated source of funding for local roads,” Delegate McDermott said. “This makes it more difficult for lower shore counties and cities to even maintain their roads let alone to conduct paving projects.”

“This budget is yet another example of our governor’s out of control spending at a time when our state is in economic straits.”

Several amendments were proposed by Delegate McDermott and other delegates that would limit the $39 billion budget, but they were ultimately rejected.

“We are simply pushing off the inevitable when passing these budgets,” Delegate McDermott continued. “We keeping adding on top of the spending until eventually we cannot spend anymore.”

“We are not the ones who will have to deal with the horrible consequences of this out of control spending, but our children will be the ones upon whom our spending falls.”

“This caps 8 years of budget increases totalling over $10 billion and representing a 37% increase in spending by the democrat controlled General Assembly.”

SB170 passed through the House with a 100-38 after passing through the Senate earlier with a 41-6 vote. Senator Jim Mathias and Delegate Norman Conway, who also represent the Lower Shore, both voted in favor of the budget. The budget will go into effect July 1, 2014, ending June 30, 2015.


  1. Moving to virginia soon


  2. "Sparks Of The Tempest"

    The sparks of the tempest rage a hundred years on
    The voice of the dreamer screams, the cause of the pawn
    The King and the Queen are gone, each piece is the same
    The difference between us is a part of the game

    Darkness is spreading like a spot on the sun
    The dead are the living in the age of the gun
    While everyone clamors for the justice they seek
    The world is corrupted and the strong take the weak

    They mold you and shape you, they watch what you do
    The sparks of the tempest are burnin' you through
    Spreading like wildfire, fallin' like rain
    Though they may promise, they only bring pain

    The future is managed, and your freedom's a joke
    You don't know the difference as you put on the yoke
    The less that you know the more you fall into place
    A cog in the wheel, there is no soul in your face

    Run for the cover, Millennium's here
    Bearing the standard of confusion and fear
    Spreading like wildfire, fallin' like rain
    Though they may promise, they only bring pain

    Blood in the sand, a cry in the street
    Now the cycle is nearly complete
    Ten thousand years, and nothing was learned
    No turning back, now the wheel has turned

    Big Brother is watching and he likes what he sees
    A world for the taking, when he's ready to squeeze
    The King and the Queen are gone, each piece is the same
    The difference between us is a part of the game

    Soothsayer saying now tell me no lies
    What is this madness that is filling the skies
    Spreading like wildfire, fallin' like rain
    Though they may promise, they only bring pain

  3. Conway and Mathias voted FOR? Is anyone really surprised?

  4. raiding the "pension" fund once again and the employees' unions are silent? since "cutting" the budget now means lowering the growth of future spending, what does increasing the amount of future raiding mean? doesn't look like it is working out well in Chicago, Detroit, ad nauseum!

  5. Wish we had 250 more like you, Mike!


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